micc83 / Nuwk

Nuwk! makes it easy to create Mac Applications based on node-webkit, simplifying testing and building procedures. It takes care of creating the executable, attaching the app icon and configuring the plist file accordingly.
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Nuwk should be decoupled between cli and gui #4

Open mackwic opened 10 years ago

mackwic commented 10 years ago

Nuwk, the gui, is a grat piece fo software. Simple, clean, light. Nuwk, the API is... still in alpha.

I suggest that we separate the concerns in this way:

Also, a cli non-grunt package for building node-webkit is needed.

What do you think ?

micc83 commented 10 years ago

I'm glad you took the initiative cause lately i've got so little time to dedicate it. I'll follow you step by step but, if you wish, you'll have free hand on Nuwk future.

mackwic commented 10 years ago

I'll be happy to contribute and improve the code base as much as I can. But I won't be able to make gui as nice as the one you did. We still need you on the field for the main things. :wink:

micc83 commented 10 years ago

Good to me! A good opportunity to learn something new :smile: