micc83 / fontIconPicker

🌈 jQuery fontIconPicker v2 is a small (3.22kb gzipped) jQuery plugin which allows you to include a simple icon picker with search and pagination inside your administration forms.
MIT License
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Version 2.1.0 is good to go #11

Closed swashata closed 6 years ago

swashata commented 10 years ago


I have committed all necessary patches for version 2.1.0. I think it is ready to go live now. Please update the readme.md file while on the process.

micc83 commented 10 years ago

Hi @swashata, I guess it is better for you to update the readme cause i'm really not updated anymore about all the changes you made. As soon as you feel it's ready for deployment just merge to master and i'll update the demo page on the website if that's ok with you!

swashata commented 10 years ago

Alright, I will do it as soon as I get some time tomorrow :) Also saw the issue with right side placement, will solve that too.

etcook commented 9 years ago

Is 2.1 going to be merged into master, tagged and released?

micc83 commented 9 years ago

Hi @etcook, as you can see we haven't been able to release updates in a while. At the moment I can't possibly merge the 2.1 as i'm really not up to date with the latest enhancement/bug fixes applied. Hopefully in 2 weeks from now I should have a little time to check everything out and decide how to proceed. @swashata are you still able to follow the project?

swashata commented 9 years ago

Hi @micc83, I have had a really tough time last year with some serious family issues. Starting from this year, I had to get a hold on my commercial projects and I am left with a very little time. Hopefully after 10 of march, I might be able to look into this.

micc83 commented 9 years ago

Hello @swashata I'm deeply sorry to hear that. I hope eventually everything went for the better. Take your time. Whenever you get some spare time we will talk about the future of the project but no rush.
