miccunifi / TAPE

[WACV 2024] - Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes
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Tried to run the script but getting this errors #5

Closed paul-bg closed 3 months ago

paul-bg commented 3 months ago

Hey there thanks for this, I'm trying to revive old videos from my grand mother, thanks for this!

I'm trying to run this script

C:\Users\StudioPC\Documents\TAPE\TAPE> python real_world_inference.py --input-path "C:\Users\StudioPC\Videos\JVC-VHSC" --output-path "C:\Users\StudioPC\Videos\JVC-VHSC\Output"

at first try it started to classify images.


but then I'm getting this error


Then I erased the output folder and tried again the first script and i got this


all the videos on the Input folder are "mp4"

Am I missing some args?

Thanks in advance!

LorenzoAgnolucci commented 3 months ago

Hi @paul-bg!

Thanks for your interest in our work!

The script takes in input the path of the input video and not of the input folder. Therefore, if you want to restore multiple videos, you need to run the script multiple times.