micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
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Galacticraft 3 space station - Head sticks to ceiling ( #1833

Closed draykshaper closed 8 years ago

draykshaper commented 9 years ago

I am using, and have always used with this world, the latest version,

Similar symptoms as a previously reported issue (which was closed?), linked at the bottom. All the following observations apply to survival mode only, no kind of jetpack or other movement item (i.e. Boots of the Traveler) equipped.

As mentioned in the previous issue, one way I've found of resolving being stuck, besides breaking the block above you or moving to an empty space above you, is to go Creative mode, double-jump to fly (which functions completely normally), and hold shift to descend. This is not an option for anyone without op privileges.

Additional observations on some mechanics after equipping a Mekanism jetpack.

Previously reported issue: https://github.com/micdoodle8/Galacticraft/issues/1828

dj3520 commented 8 years ago

Having the same issue. For me I've noticed the upward momentum triggers while in freefall and moving forward. As for the problem of bonking your head and not being able to go down, the grappling hook is my answer and has saved me a few times on my survival server while I'm tapping the sneak key.

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

Moved from #1841 (now closed):

This issue is hard to reproduce and happens in several ways:

  1. The player spawns in the space station and moves slowly upwards to the ceiling, and then he gets stuck. The sneak key doesn't work, unless he breaks the block above the head and move up a bit or walks away from the ceiling.
  2. If there's no air blocks (I couldn't reproduce the bug in pressurized rooms) and the player moves up (jump key) and touches the ceiling, he can no longer move down. Same workaround above applies.
  3. I couldn't reproduce this bug in a newly generated world, only on old ones, but still I noticed the player head gets "sticky" if the touches the ceiling in airless rooms in the new worlds.

Probably related to the bug:

Copy from a post to @micdoodle8, with some rephrasing:

I've never managed to reproduce or isolate that. But today I made a space station module on the overworld (link) and then I copied and pasted it with World Edit in my space station dimension. This is what I got:

After a bed exploded in my space station this bug no longer happens. O.O'

radfast commented 8 years ago

Thank you for ultra-detailed description of the issue, that really helps me when trying to reproduce and test this.

I am looking for a fix.

radfast commented 8 years ago

Additional info from #2049 is that adding a Spin Thruster to the space station cures this problem.

radfast commented 8 years ago

The "moving upwards" thing is probably the cause of this, it's resulting in the player becoming stuck in a block above him.

That was introduced deliberately, though, to stop the player becoming stuck in the block below ...

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

The "moving upwards" thing is probably the cause of this

Is this also related to "can't swim in GC dimensions" (ref: #1238)? Or is it a vanilla feature? When a player is in water he is forced upwards in low gravity, at least from what I've seen.

radfast commented 8 years ago

This issue is hard to reproduce and happens in several ways:

I am having trouble reproducing this. I've spent about an hour moving around a space station in various ways - including rooms 2 blocks, 3 blocks and 4 blocks high - and I just can't seem to make it happen. Actually in my own playing I have never experienced this issue.

Wondering if other players are doing something different with their fingers from me? I mean, I probably always "instinctively" use the WASD movement keys in a certain way without realising it.

I couldn't reproduce this bug in a newly generated world, only on old ones

Whaaattttt? I really don't see how that can be possible. Anyhow, assuming it is ... how old do I have to go, to experience the issue?

radfast commented 8 years ago

Other issues (not the 'head stuck in block + can't move' issue):

  1. The player is rendered 1/8th block (2 Minecraft pixels) too high, when his head touches the ceiling, so that helmet + 1 line of pixels from his head seem to disappear into the block above.
  2. The player appears to have a quick involuntary "bounce" down and up when starting downward movement in freefall, this is the result of the 'Sneak' mechanics in the vanilla game and is something we are working very hard to eliminate
  3. There is a built-in upward drift if the player walks horizontally and then feet leave the ground and he freefalls (e.g. because a platform ends). This is intended behaviour. In game mechanics it's part of what stops players becoming stuck in blocks below them. In terms of realism, it's connected with the way bipeds walk - a walking step involves an upwards bounce off the ground until the next foot hits the ground. You could ask "then how can players walk on a space station without leaving the ground". My concept is that as the player is able to keep walking on blocks, the player stays on the blocks and can walk normally. You can think of it that he has magnetic boots, or velcro boots, automatically on space stations - these don't have to be crafted, it's just one of the many abstractions in the game...
  4. The Mekanism jetpack issue I will have to deal with separately.
pielorz commented 8 years ago

I am also getting the 'Head stuck to ceiling' bug. I can walk around on the floor as normal and then after using Space to go up, I can no longer go down using the Sneak (Shift) key. I can move forward and backwards, just not down.

Like another person said, I can use the Grapple to bring myself back down to the floor.

Its definitely a bug radfast.

Update: I just noticed that if I just tap space and then hold Shift before I hit the ceiling, then I will come down fine. Its just when you hit the ceiling that you can no longer come back down.

radfast commented 8 years ago

@pielorz: new world or an existing one? Anything special I must press or do to make it start happening? Is it your own space station? Single player or on a server?

Like I say, I'm not seeing this when I go to my space stations, and until I see this happening for myself I can't start to fix it. I'm not denying its happening - several people have reported it - but it's not happening for me so far.

radfast commented 8 years ago

Please try out build 438, I think it may have improved this.

It's certainly improved issue 2 that I mentioned ...

I still have not been able to reproduce the main issue, I am wondering whether it is connected with how hard you smash into the ceiling.

dj3520 commented 8 years ago

Used to happen to me a lot. Now I can't remember the last time it happened. Same world.

radfast commented 8 years ago

I think I will keep this open for now, in case it gets lost.

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

Isn't the way how the game memorizes the air-filled regions? It's like "oh, these are the voxels where the player can breath and move around this and that way". I notice the ways how I move around in the vacuum and in a sealed room are different.

This did happen few week ago: copying an oxygen-sealed room from the Overworld and pasting it in the space station dim with MCEdit or WorldEdit somewhat disturbed that "memory", so to say, affecting how the player move around. The rooms built in-situ (NB) were okay, but those rooms pasted with WorldEdit was bugged and I got constantly stuck in the ceiling. Until that day a bed exploded in my space station letting all the air to be vented away into space and the bug disappeared immediately after the explosion.

NB: in-situ here means built in the same dimension, not transplanted from another dimension.

radfast commented 8 years ago

In a sealed room you cannot be in "freefall", the game assumes that the room takes you with itself (even if you are jumping or something).

But if you drift in a vacuum between rooms - out of range of walls - then you are in freefall.

I think this is realistic, if you have better ideas (within the realms of Minecraft physics), let's have em :)

I think you are telling me the issue is with sealed rooms? I didn't try a sealed space station recently, but I guess there could be a problem with that ...

pielorz commented 8 years ago

Thanks radfast, I'll give that a go when i get home from work. I appriciate all the work you put into this.

My initial post was more a reaction of discovering the bug, searching the web for fellow bug sufferers and posting that i too had come across it. So i will attempt to post more detailed info when I can.

I've just done a bit of limited research at work and I can tell you that I'm using modpack Space Astronomy which is using Galacticraft version GalacticraftCore-1.7- / Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-

As for a new or old world. Its not a world that has been moved from another MC version or anything weird, its was a world created by the modpack and has probably has had its Forge updated as well as other the other mods.

I hope this helps a little! As soon as I get home, I'll try out build 438 and report back.

pielorz commented 8 years ago

Ive just tried the latest build and it has fixed the ceiling issue :)

radfast commented 8 years ago

nice, good to know :)

EzerArch commented 8 years ago

Tested in 440 with a new world. Nothing found.

(Maybe you might want to close this)

radfast commented 8 years ago

Although I love closing issues :) I'm still seeing one of the issues described in this thread:

More accurately, it looks like logging out and logging back in again sometimes places the player 1 block higher than he was before, on Space Stations.

[Also the Mekanism jetpack hover issue reported by @draykshaper I have made a full note of, but I am not going to attempt to fix that in this thread.]

EzerArch commented 8 years ago


More accurately, it looks like logging out and logging back in again sometimes places the player 1 block higher than he was before, on Space Stations.

Not sure if it is related, and perhaps this needs to be in a separate issue, but being positioned "1 block higher than before" also happens with cryo-chambers, moon landers and with rockets (at least with the tier 3, need to see the others).

As to the rockets: when I dismount a rocket on the Overworld, I always fall 3 blocks and get fall damage.