micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
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[1.10.2] [Advanced Rocketry] Gravity on the Moon #2562

Open StevieBranscum opened 7 years ago

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I think you know that the gravity on the moon is the same as the overworld, yet i haven't tried it on any of the other planets, so I will try those and get back to you.

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

I am using Build 63 and it does not happen to me.

Please post mod list, client log and the most important galacticraft version.

radfast commented 7 years ago

@StevieBranscum which Minecraft version? 1.7.10?

Please post your log: fml-client-latest.log

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I am on 1.10.2.

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

What build?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I am also using build 61, too.

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

Tested it in 1.10.2 build 63. Cannot confirm this. Try updating to the latest version.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I'll try 63 and see if it will work.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

And quick question, are there moon dungeons? I searched for a good while, and still haven't found one. Is the generation off, or do I just have bad luck?

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

I believe it tells you in the logs when and where they generate

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Except when I tried to look in the logs, it was a jumble of symbols.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

You mean it was corrupted?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Want me to give the log?

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

Yes Please

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

My bad. Didn't see the fml logs. Saw the .gz files.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Can't rn since I'm not on my computer. Later I will.

radfast commented 7 years ago

Moon Dungeons are rare and, therefore,hard to find, currently

When I'm looking for one, I fly around and watch the console, and there's only ~ 1 every 600 blocks

When you find one it should be fairly visible, especially from the air

I'll talk to @micdoodle8 about ways to help players to locate one (my favourite being "ask a Moon Villager"...)

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

I get the same issue in 1.10.2 GC Build 63 now. (tested in both creative and survival) fml-client-log: https://ptpb.pw/utkT.log Mod list: https://ptpb.pw/-9uH Update: I have observed that fall damage isn't the same as the Overworld (ie a fall from 6 blocks doesn't do any damage)

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

Currently i am confused what issue we are talking about...

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

We are talking about how when you go to the Moon, gravity is supposed to be less then that of "Earth". However, we observe the same amount of gravity on the Moon as in the Overworld

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

Not an issue that i am having, so sorry.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

I wonder if it's because of some kind of mod that @StevieBranscum and I both have... @StevieBranscum , could you post a list of the mods you are using?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Can't rn. Will be able to in a bit. Even w/63, it still doesn't work

radfast commented 7 years ago

Stevie: as well as your modlist - which is probably where the answer is hiding - some other random questions which could be relevant, please:

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Client, internet access not available except phone. Live in the US, so I speak English. Should be able to get mod list today, in about 30 min.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Also, I do have IC2, but is the incompatibility only for power?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

And, @tabepic I can't reach those sites.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

You mean ptpb.pw ?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Yes. Chrome can't reach it for some reason

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Weird, does it come up with an error? Or just something like 'This website could not be found' ?

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Yes, exactly, expect it says the connection was reset

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I don't think that would cause anything though.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Yeah, I tried using some kind of online traceroute (from the US), and it said it wasn't a valid website, then I tried using a US proxy and that worked fine. Weird.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I will put the folder on here, instead of on Pastebin, if that's alright.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

I don't know what you mean by 'putting the folder here', but directly posting logs in the comments/issues is looked down upon.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5CWYSQNbRdoQ21QVFZsOEI2dlE GitHub won't allow anything over 10MB.

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Mods folder.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Seems like the only one we have in common is CodeChicken

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

How weird.

ThomasAunvik commented 7 years ago

So, i downloaded all your mods you had in the mod folder. And i still dont get any issues about that.

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Could it be something in the config folder? I'm going to test that right away

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Nope, wasn't the configs. Gravity is still the same as the Overworld on the Moon

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

Going back to the dungeon topic, found one. I was just missing it

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

Alright, tried GC Build 63 and CodeChickenLib, and gravity worked fine. Still testing.

radfast commented 7 years ago

So, i downloaded all your mods you had in the mod folder. And i still dont get any issues about that.

wow! this is dedication

I do have IC2, but is the incompatibility only for power?

Galacticraft should be totally compatible with IC2 Experimental, from build 63 onwards. (Not yet fully tested with IC2 Classic.)

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

I have determined that for me, it was caused by one of these mods:

Creative Plus

I will continue testing to narrow it down to a single mod tomorrow.

radfast commented 7 years ago

Thank you for narrowing it down, this really helps. I would look at AdvancedRocketry first, this also has a moon. Then OreSpawn

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

I'll talk to zmasterfun (the guy who made AdvancedRocketry, since him and I have talked before), if that helps. Maybe even the person who made OreSpawn (need to because the mod seems completely disabled for me).

sudoBash418 commented 7 years ago

You're right, it is AdvancedRocketry

StevieBranscum commented 7 years ago

So is that it?

radfast commented 7 years ago

Most likely.

Are you in fact on AdvancedRocketry's Moon and not on the Galacticraft Moon at all? (For example, are there villages with Alien Villagers?)