micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
616 stars 334 forks source link

Mod downloaded from 9minecraft doesn't work, Help? #3414

Closed SharpForceTrauma closed 6 years ago

SharpForceTrauma commented 6 years ago


Minecraft version:1.12.2 Galacticraft version:

Single player (SSP), Multiplayer (SMP), or SSP opened to LAN (LAN)? N/A

Galacticraft add-ons and other mods installed? Y, Galacticraft Planets, Extra Planets, JourneyMap, ToroCraft Damage Indicators.

Please provide screenshots / crash report / log as needed. latest.log crash-2018-05-23_13.10.23-client.txt

Romsik788 commented 6 years ago
  1. Update the galacticraft
  2. Try to run without extra planets.
  3. If nothing has helped then describe in more detail your problem.
MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

The issue is you haven't downloaded the mods from a official source so the versions you have are all broken. The place you downloaded them stole them.

SharpForceTrauma commented 6 years ago

@MJRLegends That may be it. I downloaded them from 9minecraft.net, which is my usual source for all of my mods. I'll try to redownload them from here. @Romsik788 I downloaded the official Galacticraft here, after the initial crash mentioned an exception error with the one I got from 9minecraft. I'm not sure about running it without addons, as I test loads in the state I wish to play them to ensure that everything works.

Thanks to both of you for helping!

SharpForceTrauma commented 6 years ago

@MJRLegends May I ask for a the links to these addons, as well as yours and Micdoodle's corelibs (I also got these 3rd party and want to make sure everything works.)

TheQuadShot commented 6 years ago

Forums (add-ons) https://forum.micdoodle8.com/index.php Official core files at the Wiki https://micdoodle8.com/mods/galacticraft/downloads Any other add-ons not found at either should be on Curse or FTB

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

@SharpForceTrauma Checkout http://stopmodreposts.org/ as people shouldnt be allowed to repost mods on scam sites its illegal posting, And please download the browser plugins found near the bottom of http://stopmodreposts.org/get-involved/ to make sure your not helping these people!! #StopModReposts

SharpForceTrauma commented 6 years ago

@MJRLegends I never knew this was such a huge problem before, thanks for showing me this. I got the plugin now. Learning this, this makes me wonder if this is the cause of the issues with some other mods I have. @TheQuadShot Thank you for linking!

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

@radfast I'd recommenced adding Jar Signing (Signatures) to GC & MicdoodleCore makes sure no one is using unofficial builds as the file names are not always a way to tell where they got the version.

radfast commented 6 years ago

how does that help if 9minecraft copies those builds? They don't create builds from the source code, they copy our .jar files.

marcus8448 commented 6 years ago

Hey @radfast I did some digging and they might actually build it themselves, unless the files just happen to be the same size (and the build numbers in GalacticraftCore.java are not properly entered), as they have different hashes... screenshot 35 Note: I think hashes works like this, my bad if it doesn't