micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
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World border does not work (1.7.10) #3494

Open HeberonYT opened 5 years ago

HeberonYT commented 5 years ago


Minecraft version: 1.7.10 Galacticraft version: Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-

-Multiplayer (SMP) Thermos Build 58.

Galacticraft add-ons and other mods installed? -Modpack Project Ozone 2 (v2.4.0) Please provide screenshots / crash report / log as needed.

I am using the world border option for the entry of all ships in galacticraft worlds, I have established the following: I:"World border for landing location on other planets (Moon, Mars, etc)"=5000

But for some reason this configuration seems not to work for all users. When a user uses a rocket, it lands in coordinates equivalent to its location in the overworld, this means: x: 83723 z: 725 When I use the /dimensiontp command I land in an approximate area of x: -423 z: 284

Therefore, users continue to lose their rockets when traveling to any galacticraft world. I would appreciate it if you made only one server-side fix so that users could still join using the official modpack. Regards!

EzerArch commented 5 years ago

Galacticraft version: Galacticraft-Planets-1.7-

Please, update to 1.7- and see if the bug is still there.

(dang, I haven't updated to 504 even. @radfast you and your sneaky updates :3 )

HeberonYT commented 5 years ago

Hi. I have updated Galacticraft to 1.7-, I also updated ExtraPlanets to 1.7.10-2.0.5 and the error is still continuing. I keep falling in coordinates outside the established edge, I usually fall in x: 83722 z: 750

EzerArch commented 5 years ago

Sigh... unless there's another mod that is affecting GC, we'll have to wait for a reply from a developer. :s

(I'm a bit slow to reply due to some issues...)

HeberonYT commented 5 years ago

Hi. In the last revision of the problem, only was installed: GalacticraftCore-1.7- Galacticraft-Planets-1.7- MicdoodleCore-1.7- ExtraPlanets-1.8.8.jar

Therefore, there are no other mods that interfere with the functioning of Galacticraft.

EzerArch commented 5 years ago

Just to be sure: what if you remove ExtraPlanets? (don't forget to make a backup)