It use to be fixed with these settings on MCPC+
keep-world-loaded: true
keep-world-loaded: true
keep-world-loaded: false
keep-world-loaded: false
keep-world-loaded: false
enabled: true
keep-world-loaded: false
enabled: true
Sponge does not have this option however, does anybody have any ideas of how to fix this issue?
Minecraft version: 1.12.2
Galacticraft version ("latest" is not a valid option): 1.12.2-
Single player (SP), Multiplayer (MP), or SP opened to LAN (LAN)?
If MP server, please mention if it has Sponge, AtomMC, BukkitForge, BungeeCord etc.
Sponge MP
Any Galacticraft add-ons installed? Please list all of them: No
Please upload crash report / full log to Github Gist or any other paste site:
Please provide screenshots / videos / full modlist as needed
I was having issues where a space station with nothing on it yet was causing a massive tps loss (upto 14) on a public server i found this:
It use to be fixed with these settings on MCPC+ world-environment-settings: normal: keep-world-loaded: true nether: keep-world-loaded: true the_end: keep-world-loaded: false gccorespacestation: keep-world-loaded: false gcmoon: keep-world-loaded: false enabled: true gcmars: keep-world-loaded: false enabled: true
Sponge does not have this option however, does anybody have any ideas of how to fix this issue?
Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Galacticraft version ("latest" is not a valid option): 1.12.2-
Single player (SP), Multiplayer (MP), or SP opened to LAN (LAN)?
Any Galacticraft add-ons installed? Please list all of them: No
Please upload crash report / full log to Github Gist or any other paste site: NA
Please provide screenshots / videos / full modlist as needed NA
Please state the site that you downloaded Galacticraft from: