micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
610 stars 331 forks source link

Server crashes on startup #4076

Closed lewmilburn closed 3 years ago

lewmilburn commented 3 years ago

REVIEW THE GUIDELINES - see Contributing link on right side.

Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Galacticraft version ("latest" is not a valid option): 1.12.1-

Single player (SP), Multiplayer (MP), or SP opened to LAN (LAN)? MP

Any Galacticraft add-ons installed? Please list all of them: Planets

Please upload crash report / full log to Github Gist or any other paste site: https://pastebin.com/DZ7BR7Bd

Please provide screenshots / videos / full modlist as needed Modlist: AE2, Advanced Solar Panels, BuildCraft, Baubles, BetterFps, BiblioCraft, BiomesOPlenty, Botania, CC: Tweaked, Chisels and Bits, Chest Transporter, CodeChickenLib, CoFHCore, CoFHWorld, Energy Converters, Forge Multipart, FTBLib, FTBUtilities, Galacticraft Core & Planets, Hwyla, IC2, IronChest, JEI, Mantle, MCMultiPart, MicdoodleCore, MrTJPCore, ProjectE, ProjectRed Base & Compat & Fabrication & Integration & Lighting & Mechanical & World, Refined Storage, RedstoneFlux, Tinkers Construct, Thaumcraft, ThermalDynamics & Expansion & Foundation, Unifier, Wawla, WR-CBE,

Please state the site that you downloaded Galacticraft from: micdoodle8.com

dj3520 commented 3 years ago

The server doesn't start because of this? Or it just shows in the log file?

MJRLegends commented 3 years ago

This error wouldnt stop the server starting its a warning type error

lewmilburn commented 3 years ago

sorry my control panel said it wouldn't start when infact it would. Sorry!