micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
610 stars 329 forks source link

Can't launch to moon with tier 1 Rocket #4091

Closed LavaSqrl closed 2 years ago

LavaSqrl commented 2 years ago

REVIEW THE GUIDELINES - see Contributing link on right side.

Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Galacticraft version ("latest" is not a valid option): Single player (SP), Multiplayer (MP), or SP opened to LAN (LAN)?

Please provide screenshots / videos / full modlist as needed Screenshot (1) Mods: image

Please state the site that you downloaded Galacticraft from: https://micdoodle8.com/download?R2FsYWN0aWNyYWZ0Q29yZS0xLjEyLjItNC4wLjIuMjgwLmphcj9odHRwczovL21pY2Rvb2RsZTguY29tL25ldy1idWlsZHMvR0MtMS4xMi8yODAvR2FsYWN0aWNyYWZ0Q29yZS0xLjEyLjItNC4wLjIuMjgwLmphcj9HQy0xXzEyPzI4MA==