michael-allram / travelcounsellor

A team project for the course "Web Services" at Innsbruck University.
MIT License
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Create Google Maps navigation #7

Open michael-allram opened 7 years ago

michael-allram commented 7 years ago

We need a page (maybe PHP) which creates a "GoogleMaps" Map. It should be possible to assign 2 to 10 waypoints (each one created by latitude and longitude). After that, a navigation from one waypoint to the others should be created.

We need this page for the users navigate from the current position to the desired place. If more places are selected, we need more waypoints.

Alternative: OpenStreetMap API

AlexanderKlement commented 7 years ago

Send to google maps button get data from database

AlexanderKlement commented 7 years ago

delete points

Stynern commented 6 years ago

I think this is done now?