michael-betz / Foculus_Rift_Tracker_STM32F3DISCOVERY

Firmware for the STM32F3DISCOVERY board to emulate an Oculus Rift compatible USB motion tracker
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Help Flashing/Installing #10

Open benjifeet opened 9 years ago

benjifeet commented 9 years ago

Hey I have been trying to get the Foculus Rift working on my STM32F3 Discovery board and I have had no luck at all. Both the OpenOCD and STM32 ST-Link Methods have not worked, STM32 ST-LINK says the program is written, but when I plug it in the USB user port and nothing shows up. Also, the Linux method says the Adapter speed is not configured right. I really want to get my VR working, so any help would be appreciated!


jademoon commented 9 years ago

How did you get to that point. I am having trouble figuring out what to do to get the board firmware install. What are the initial steps.

. Can l do this in Windows. I don't understand linux