michael-dev / dokuwikietherpadlite

Etherpad-Lite plugin for dokuwiki
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SSL cert problem leads to not-so-useful error message #9

Open TomOnTime opened 10 years ago

TomOnTime commented 10 years ago

It took me a while to debug this problem. Would you add this to the documentation so that other people with the same problem can learn from my mistake?

Problem: You get pop-up windows that say "Empty or No Response from the server"

Suggestion: etherpad-lite-client.php uses curl_init() to do its own query to the etherpad lite server. If it gets back an invalid response or no response you will see that popup. If you are using SSL to connect to your etherpad lite server the PHP function curl_init() will expect the cert to be valid and not a self-signed certificate. If it is, it will return no information, thus the error message. If this is the problem: (a) use a proper certificate, or (b) add this line to the series of "curl_setopt()" calls around line 94 of etherpad-lite-client.php curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

Also, would you consider changing the error message to be "server-side PHP script had error when contacting $url: Empty or No Response from the server. If you are using HTTPS, there may be a cert issue."

Thanks! Tom

michael-dev commented 9 years ago

ok, tbd