michael-fadely / d3d8to11

Run DirectX 8 programs in DirectX 11
MIT License
24 stars 8 forks source link

Downloadable .dll or compile instructions #11

Closed Alekc89 closed 1 year ago

Alekc89 commented 2 years ago

Hi, do you offer a binary or compile instructions?

michael-fadely commented 2 years ago

Normally builds are available on the CI, but it appears to be broken.

I don't have build instructions written down, but it's pretty straight forward. If you're on a reasonably modern version of Windows 10 and have the DirectX SDK installed, just open up d3d8to11.sln with Visual Studio 2019, and build the solution (probably for x86). Copy the HLSL, HLSLI, and DLL files from the bin folder to your game's root directory. Just make sure to grab all the submodules first if you're cloning from git (git submodule update --init --recursive).

Mitch037 commented 1 year ago

@michael-fadely Hello, I would like to second the request of the original poster. It would be of a great use for everyone interested in this project if you could provide us the binary file. Unfortunately I am not familiar with Visual Studio and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to compile it properly.

michael-fadely commented 1 year ago

Hey @Mitch037, thanks for the ping; I totally forgot about this. I'll try to rectify this later today.

michael-fadely commented 1 year ago

Build artifacts are once again available on AppVeyor. You can download builds by going here, clicking on a platform (usually x86 for old games), and then clicking on the Artifacts button. d3d8to11.7z should be in the list. Downloads expire in one month.

DeathWrench commented 1 year ago

Can you do the appveyor thing again? I've been trying to compile this for a fat minute and can't manage to do it.