michael-fadely / sadx-dc-lighting

Sonic Adventure 1 palette lighting for SADX PC.
MIT License
39 stars 3 forks source link

That "Shader creation failed with an unknown error. (Does blennder.fx exist?)" thing on the most recent dev build #47

Closed Mumu03 closed 7 years ago

Mumu03 commented 7 years ago

The latest dev build of this mod is not working for me. In fact, some error notification appeared in my face saying: "Shader creation failed with an unknown error. (Does blender.fx exist?)", then the game crashes. What's going on?

michael-fadely commented 7 years ago

Note the branch suffix on the dev build version numbers (in this case, 1.1.*-depth-peel). You can try it out if you really want to by pulling blender.fx from the depth-peel branch and putting it in your SADX root directory, but it's entirely experimental and does not perform well by any stretch.

Mumu03 commented 7 years ago

Gee, thanks! Where do i download blender.fx anyway?

michael-fadely commented 7 years ago

On the main page for this repo above the list of files, there's a dropdown that says master. If you click on that and click depth-peel, you can find blender.fx in the sadx-dc-lighting directory. Click on it and then click the Raw button and you should be able to save the file from there.

Mumu03 commented 7 years ago

Gee, thanks! Now i can test the Deth Peel versions at will!