michael-fadely / sadx-dc-lighting

Sonic Adventure 1 palette lighting for SADX PC.
MIT License
39 stars 3 forks source link

Game Crashes Before Character Select Screen #56

Closed Thesch28 closed 6 years ago

Thesch28 commented 7 years ago

So I downloaded the latest Version of the mod here: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/SonicFreak94/sadx-dc-lighting/build/artifacts After installing it, i ran my game and it crashed everytime I tried to go to the character select for example Adventure Mode.

michael-fadely commented 7 years ago

It looks like AppVeyor skipped commit 16795b9f492738cfbb8f33f0be94806593033a6c

It's crashing because I updated the d3d8to9 submodule to be compatible with the latest release version. Grab that from its repo (linked in README.md) and it should work fine.

Thesch28 commented 7 years ago

Now it works, thanks!