michael-fadely / sadx-dc-lighting

Sonic Adventure 1 palette lighting for SADX PC.
MIT License
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Allow loading PL/SL files from the mod's system folder without callbacks #64

Closed PiKeyAr closed 6 years ago

PiKeyAr commented 6 years ago

At the moment a callback is required for a mod to load custom PL/SL files. It works fine, but it would be easier for modders if the PL/SL files could be loaded directly from the mod's system folder, much like PVM replacements.

michael-fadely commented 6 years ago

This requires mod loader functionality. I'm working on that and testing it in this project.

michael-fadely commented 6 years ago

Fixed by efafe58905b5e4d8bc5fb29fb679180b16c98733