michael-fadely / sadx-dc-lighting

Sonic Adventure 1 palette lighting for SADX PC.
MIT License
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Add installation instructions to README.md #67

Closed Stevoisiak closed 6 years ago

Stevoisiak commented 6 years ago

Currently the README.md is a bit sparse on instructions. It should include a section with instructions for how to install the mod, and what the minimum requirements are. That way, if someone downloads the mod and goes to install it an hour later, they have the instructions for offline use.

You could use the installation instructions from the Sonic Hacking Contest page.

RinMaru commented 6 years ago

instructions aren't really needed :\

cheatfreak47 commented 6 years ago

What someone should do is write a general Sonic Mod Loader documentation. Maybe I will do this sometime when I'm less lazy.

PiKeyAr commented 6 years ago

README.MD has been updated with installation instructions