michael-fadely / sadx-dc-lighting

Sonic Adventure 1 palette lighting for SADX PC.
MIT License
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Pachacamac Material Bug #86

Closed ElectroNuke closed 1 year ago

ElectroNuke commented 1 year ago

Apparently, Pachacamac's leaf necklace is now a blank white whenever I use the default DX lighting. This might be the case with other objects, too, but it requires a bit of playing to know for sure. I've tried disabling each and all of my mods, but the issue persists until the Lantern Engine is checked off. For the record, I have tried disabling the vertex color, material color, and interpolation fixes in the mod loader to no avail. Those clearly aren't the problem.


PiKeyAr commented 1 year ago

This is not an issue with Lantern Engine, see here: https://github.com/X-Hax/sadx-mod-loader/issues/121