michael-fadely / sadx-frame-limit

A more precise framerate limiter for SADX.
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Almost stutterless in windowed fullscreen, however windowed still stutters. #2

Open TailsGuy opened 1 month ago

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

With the usual D3D8to9 (no DXVK) it's a much improved experience. However, if you play in windowed there's still some stuttering. I have an overlay called RTSS and MSi Afterburner though, so maybe this is affecting things. It seems to happen with Ghost of Tsushima's PC version (at least at the moment)

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

It seems that, initially, there are no stutters but over time there's some sort of memory leak (only a theory) and it starts stuttering. I ran through Red Mountain, and it's rock solid until we're underground and there are some hitches near the end of the stage.

michael-fadely commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the report. Do you have v-sync enabled? With d3d8to9 I believe there's some different behavior with v-sync, and I believe there might actually be some behavior to work around this in the mod loader. There might even be a case for borderless window mode, but it's been a long time since I've looked at that code.

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

Yeah, I do have v-sync enabled. I can try without soon if need be.

michael-fadely commented 1 month ago

Gotcha. Could I get your system specs and mods in use as well? Windows version, display specs (refresh rate, VRR enabled), etc. would be helpful. Windowed mode is sometimes inconsistent for me, but it depends on what else is happening on my system. I have two monitors, one with VRR enabled at 175 Hz. I also tested at 60 Hz with and without v-sync, VRR disabled, windowed and fullscreen. In most cases it's totally smooth for me. No hitches on my end in Red Mountain 2. (I'm using RTSS as well)

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

Of course, lemme get this all down.

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

My PC goes as follows;

Windows 11, latest update NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 555.85 32GB DDR4 RAM at 3600Mhz CL16 I've got a monitor at 75FPS/60FPS, no FreeSync or G-Sync unfortunately, but what can you do. I switch it to 60FPS manually before playing SADX. Screenshot 2024-05-24 194928

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

I decided to run another test, it does actually still stutter at windowed fullscreen every other second, and it's worse with DXVK.

TailsGuy commented 1 month ago

If you play with no DXVK, just the usual d3d8tod9 and v-sync ENABLED it doesn't stutter very much, if at all. It needs more thorough testing though!