michael-lazar / astrobotany

🌱 A community garden over the Gemini protocol
133 stars 12 forks source link

Add pest mechanic #105

Open nytpu opened 2 years ago

nytpu commented 2 years ago

We were discussing this on the message board, it'd be an interesting idea to add a “pest” mechanic. Your plant could gradually build up pests like aphids, slugs, and other agricultural pests. They don't necessarily harm the plant or anything, but they just build up.

Botanists could buy garden fences, raised platforms, etc. at the store to reduce the number of pests. Possibly you could find beneficial insects (I suggest praying mantises or jumping spiders because they're both awesome) in other people's gardens, or you could just buy them. There could be a leaderboard for “fewest pests” or “healthiest plant” to make it gamified like the other mechanics.

Sorry for leaving this really vague, but I figured you'd prefer to flesh out the details how you want so I didn't flesh them out myself. I am quite fond of the idea, it adds another aspect to the game.

michael-lazar commented 2 years ago

It's a great idea! I like the idea of having insects as some kind of pet or familiar that persists across plant generations. You could have them randomly fly around other people's gardens to add to the social aspect too.

I've been working on my own ascii art lately, coincidentally I drew a praying mantis yesterday

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thigg commented 2 years ago

Maybe bees could add interesting mechanics. You could add beehives, have them flying around at your plant and see them when visiting your plant and maybe even add a pollination aspect.

Cool mantis!