michael-lazar / astrobotany

🌱 A community garden over the Gemini protocol
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8 hr. rate limit for watering neighbor's plants #53

Closed elizabethaxley closed 3 years ago

elizabethaxley commented 3 years ago

Hi! I noticed that I could water plants in the community garden every 30 minutes, which didn't seem in line with your intentions (as described in #10). I changed the visitor watering rate limit back to every 8 hours (though #10 does propose every 12 hours--not sure if you have a particular preference there). I also added in a short test to confirm that visitor watering attempts 7.5 hours after a previous community watering event should fail; while attempts 8.1 hours after such an event should succeed.

If the switch to every half an hour was intentional, feel free to ignore this. Thanks for making gemini fertile and floriferous!

michael-lazar commented 3 years ago


First of all, the git commits & GH issues are definitely a mess! This project has been developed solo thus far, so I haven't put much thought into publicly documenting my design decisions. Apologies for that confusion 😄

Changing back to 30 minutes was a reaction to a post on the astrobotany message board (of which I just noticed that page 2 was broken, so I had to go into the database and fix that):

"How long before my watering can is refilled, please? I should like to help others' plants more."

  • Shufei, 2020-06-13

"@Shufei it was 8 hours, I just lowered it to 30 minutes. Feel free to use the github issue tracker if you encouter any bugs or have game balance suggestions."

  • mozz, 2020-06-14

I think the 30-minute cooldown is still long enough of a cooldown to prevent the issue that I described in #10, while still allowing people to be as neighborly as they want to.

Now that I think about it, it would be cool to start using "44 SLOW DOWN" rate limit error responses here, with a message like... "Come back in x seconds to water this plant". That way the user feedback is a bit more clear.