michael-lazar / astrobotany

🌱 A community garden over the Gemini protocol
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Sell additional watering cans in the store #55

Open tslocum opened 3 years ago

tslocum commented 3 years ago

It would be nice to be able to water more plants.

michael-lazar commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion! I was thinking about letting users apply fertilizer to other plants in the same vein.

One thing that I want to be careful of though is letting one good samaritan to keep dozens of plants alive by themselves. There needs to be some danger if you don't visit astrobotany for a week straight. That's why I added the 1 hour timer to watering. Putting a cost to the additional watering cans could be one way to limit this. Another idea I was playing around with was only allowing a plant to be watered by visitors (x) times in a row without the owner coming back.