michael-lazar / astrobotany

🌱 A community garden over the Gemini protocol
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close bracket in files/instructions.gmi #71

Closed hedyhli closed 3 years ago

hedyhli commented 3 years ago

In plant stages

* young (3 days
michael-lazar commented 3 years ago


hedyhli commented 3 years ago

Change doesn't seem to be live yet, does Jetforce hot-reload? Also, do you ever kill the process? Because main.py creates a new db every time

michael-lazar commented 3 years ago

Change doesn't seem to be live yet, does Jetforce hot-reload?

No, I manually deploy all astrobotany changes because sometimes they require database migrations or special steps, and I want to be able to smoke test the new code.

Also, do you ever kill the process?

All the time 😄

Because main.py creates a new db every time

Not for me it doesn't. The tables will only be iniitalized if a database doesn't already exist at that file location.