michael-lazar / gemini-diagnostics

A torture test for gemini servers
MIT License
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What does `TLSCLaims` mean? #10

Closed marek22k closed 1 year ago

marek22k commented 1 year ago

I get

[TLSClaims] Certificate claims must be valid
  x 'Backend' object has no attribute 'load_der_x509_certificate'

during the test. What does it mean?

michael-lazar commented 1 year ago

Hmm I see the same error, it looks like the cryptography library changed their public API and the code needs to be updated.

$ python3 -m pip freeze | grep cryptography
michael-lazar commented 1 year ago

Fixed in https://github.com/michael-lazar/gemini-diagnostics/commit/598da6b2828ab4e9c179eb0af53555994d961b5c