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Unresponsive inputs while feh is open. #692

Open gbpi opened 5 years ago

gbpi commented 5 years ago

When I have an image open in feh rtv will not reliably respond to keyboard inputs. It isn't completely unresponsive, navigation sometimes requires 2-3 presses to actually take effect. Trying to use the text editor is impossible.

It doesn't happen with mpv playing videos, only with feh.

What seems to solve this for me is bypassing feh's built-in http support and getting the file with curl, then piping it to feh.

image/*; curl -s '%s' | feh --scale-down -; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"

I don't have any issues when I use this instead of the default feh command.

This was on the latest release and current git snapshot of rtv. Feh is 3.1.3. On Arch Linux using i3 with the feh window floating normally, but also happens if the window is off screen.

EDIT: I installed pqiv, which has built-in http support and have no issues with that. It works with albums and GIFs as well. Might be a good option to put commented out in the default .mailcap.

image/x-imgur-album; pqiv -t -i %s; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/gif; pqiv -i '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"
image/*; pqiv -t -i '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"