michael-lazar / rtv

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Offering to help with the project #697

Open skorokithakis opened 5 years ago

skorokithakis commented 5 years ago

I saw #696 (and commented there), and would like to reiterate my offer for help. Would you consider adding the project to Code Shelter? It's an open community of FOSS maintainers (please feel free to join!) that aims to help FOSS projects out (fixing bugs, merging PRs, releasing, etc), and I'm a member and can help.

You can read more details about it or add your project to it. There are also people available to help on the Code Shelter chat channel.


michael-lazar commented 5 years ago


Thank you for the offer.

I did consider projects like yours and Jazzband when I made the decision to close the repo. However I decided not to go in that direction. I don't really want to get into a discussion about it, so I'll leave it at that.