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Not being able to view remote image url via iTerm2's imgcat #703

Open yohannes opened 4 years ago

yohannes commented 4 years ago

Hi guys,

In the default mailcap file, there is a pre-defined command to view remote image url via iTerm2's imgcat as such image/*; bash -c '[[ "%s" == http* ]] && (curl -s %s | ~/.iterm2/imgcat) || ~/.iterm2/imgcat %s' && read -n 1; needsterminal. Does anyone who has imgcat installed be able to use this command to display remote image url?

eyemyth commented 4 years ago

Yes, it works for me.

yohannes commented 4 years ago

@eyemyth did you do any configuration to make it work? Because all I did were 1) ensure shell integration and utilities package is installed and uncomment the command above. But when invoked, it simply goes to a blank page

eyemyth commented 4 years ago

It goes to a blank page in your browser?

yohannes commented 4 years ago

@eyemyth blank page as in my terminal view. the imgcat process should have displayed it in-line if it's working correctly. Yours is being displayed in the terminal view or browser?

eyemyth commented 4 years ago

Yep, in the terminal.

I'd start by adding some logging to rtv or imgcat or both.

By the way, this project is dead. There's a fork that's actively maintained: https://gitlab.com/ajak/tuir

yohannes commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the pointer to the new fork. I'll keep digging to figure out why my config is not displaying image. Thanks.