michael-spengler / aktuelle-data-science-entwicklungen-2-wwi19dsab

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GAN and new NLP Tech and Methods #2

Open Slurbisaur opened 2 years ago

Slurbisaur commented 2 years ago

Laura Marie Struss Marcel Winter Lennart Schulz Sebastian Hildenbeutel

Slurbisaur commented 2 years ago

Idee für KI generierte Kreuzworträtsel... abwarten der Rückmeldung ob es ein sinnvolles Thema wäre.

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

könnte gut von lehrern - z.B. an Grundschulen genutzt werden ...

Gamified Learning Experiences ...

LauraMarieStruss commented 2 years ago

Startseite Crossword Monkey Designkonzept Crossword Monkey

Slurbisaur commented 1 year ago

This idea was scrapped because of a lack of usability of AI ... We went for a more timely and future-oriented approach to GAN's, it's roots, and usability

Projekt Presentation video Link: https://youtu.be/KkYoSRsQxEw

lennart120201 commented 1 year ago

Github repository of the entire project: https://github.com/lennart120201/DeepLearning-Exploration