michael-spengler / cyber-security-software-engineering

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Decentralized Social Network #5

Open thuwon opened 2 years ago

silas-pohl commented 2 years ago

Chat application that uses the Lightning Network as an end-to-end encrypted, onion-routed, censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer chat messages protocol (https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd) Idea discarded because usability suffers too much if you don't run your own highly available lightning node.

Solution: Decentralization via GUN.JS (https://gun.js.org)

silas-pohl commented 2 years ago

Idea: Web frontend is implemented with Svelte. Users will have to specify pub key of another Lighning Node and then they can send messages over the Lightning Network as they like. Transaction fees will be in the mSats range as usual in the Lighning Network.

Idea: Web frontend is implemented with Svelte. Users will have to create an profile. You can follow each other and post content. On the main page you see the content posted by the persons you follow. Content is stored in decentralized Graph-DB (GunJS) so there is no backend needed.

silas-pohl commented 2 years ago

CI/CD-Pipeline with GitHub Actions

silas-pohl commented 2 years ago

100% test coverage through Test-Driven Development

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

brauchen wir proof of stake o.Ä. für die Spamvermeidung? --> eher nicht wegen den built-in transaction fees....

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

für eine 1,0 würde ich hier z.B. den folgenden feature scope empfehlen: coole User Experience via Browser Based Frontend
die Kriterien siehe Mindmap
new message received notification - e.g. via discord-, telegram-, slack bot

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

lightning nodes as a distributed service to simplify ux + to enable mainstream adoption?

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

Lightning vs. Arbitrum (Layer 2 Scaling Solution for the Ethereum Blockchain)

https://remix.ethereum.org/ IDE --> Ropsten Testnet (0 kosten / spielether --> https://faucet.ropsten.be/)

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

https://gun.js.org/ as an alternative persistence... / platform?

silas-pohl commented 2 years ago

https://github.com/guns-n-goose: Decentralized online platform with games and gambling powered by GUN.js

Main repo contains auth, chat and credit system Each game gets an individual repo and is imported in the main app (games require use of credits. In case of victory you get paid a profit)