michael-spengler / wwi18dsa-semester-6

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Chat Bot for Education #7

Open michael-spengler opened 3 years ago

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago
  1. related to Spengler's Proposal 2 (connected to FFC)
  2. which language (my proposal: english)
  3. optional: look for corresponding data sources (connected to Web Harvesting...)
florian99797 commented 3 years ago

Florian Köhler, Julian Greil, Manuel Zehl, Hannah Weber

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

focus on specific training data sets and focus on specific Chat Client Integration - e.g. Slack, Discord

tamarab123 commented 3 years ago

Maria Eichenlaub, Lea Kleemann, Tamara Bucher

MarcelGardias commented 3 years ago

Discord chatbot regarding crypto(q&a) and information about crypto, price history display and trend prediction

-Patrick Unverricht, Daniel Fauland, Arnold Hajnal, Marcel Gardias, David Ermolajew, Janina Patzer

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Discord Integration:

https://deno.land/x/cicd@v0.8.4/.github/workflows/notify-via-discord.yml https://github.com/michael-spengler/cicd/blob/main/notify-via-discord.ts

Slack Integration: Slack App anlegen https://github.com/michael-spengler/cicd/blob/main/notify-via-slack.ts

Telegram Integration: https://github.com/michael-spengler/cicd/blob/main/notify-via-telegram.ts

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Maria Eichenlaub, Lea Kleemann, Tamara Bucher


michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Julian Greil, Manuel Zeh

https://github.com/cbiehl/wwi18dsa-nlp/issues/1 --> focus on training data content - e.g. crypto + taking SA into consideration... (check existing twitter / reddit sentiment solutions e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qCB8MZ-W1Ig&t=240s)

--> revolutionär wäre hier: eine Sentiment Analyzer Platform where the user can configure which Data Source (e.g. subreddit xy... Slack Channel xy) shall be considered and which topic shall be evaluated. --> GUI based might be more appropriate... Visualisieren der Hot Topics... --> VueJS or Angular...

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

Discord chatbot regarding crypto(q&a) and information about crypto, price history display and trend prediction

-Patrick Unverricht, Daniel Fauland, Arnold Hajnal, Marcel Gardias, David Ermolajew, Janina Patzer

Womit würdet ihr euch in 3 Jahren gerne mindestens 8 Stunden am Tag beschäftigen? Data Science (trend prediction / news zum Thema XYZ + Interpretation im Hinblick auf die Kursentwicklung...) Gambling Strategies

Blockchain: Data is transparent, immutable.

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago


Optionen 1 Chatbot stellt fragen (Quiz Modus) 2 User stellt fragen (Ratgeber Modus)

Quiz Modus ohne Kontext Awareness im Hinblick auf den Skill Level des Studierenden

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

wichtig: separation of concerns

Telegram: z.B. für deno https://deno.land/x/telegram_bot_api

z.B. für node https://www.npmjs.com/package/telegram-bot-api

michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

MVS only with specific set of data (json files)

extended version: a process runs 24/7 and retrieves potentially new json files from https://github.com/fancy-flashcard/wirtschaftsinformatik and calculates the model?

tamarab123 commented 3 years ago


michael-spengler commented 3 years ago

sentence transformers... (Tamara) multilingual...

MariaEichenlaub commented 3 years ago
MariaEichenlaub commented 3 years ago