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Discord attendence notification bot #9

Open juengeja opened 2 years ago

juengeja commented 2 years ago

Ein Discord-Bot, der eine Telegram Nachricht verschickt, wenn ausgewählte Benutzer online gehen bzw einem bestimmten Sprachkanal beitreten.

LeonEngelhardt commented 2 years ago

bin dabei :)

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago


michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

repo: https://github.com/juengeja/DiscordAttendenceNotification

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

As a I want to in order to .

As a notification receiver I want to register online in order to configure notification settings.

authentication via telegram chat id --> bot responds with chat id (unique --> user can use it to register)

option 1: configure via telegram chatbot flow
option 2: configure via svelte (snel) frontend
option3: both

michael-spengler commented 2 years ago

zwischen feedback:

leverage typescript to its full extent - e.g. adding return types like here: https://github.com/michael-spengler/DiscordAttendenceNotification/blob/main/backend/aloedb.ts#L49