michael-wzhu / PromptCBLUE

PromptCBLUE: a large-scale instruction-tuning dataset for multi-task and few-shot learning in the medical domain in Chinese
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数据集下载 #20

Open FoolMark opened 10 months ago

FoolMark commented 10 months ago

似乎没有报名的人没法下载数据集? 有没有什么办法

linqq9 commented 9 months ago


chenmosha commented 7 months ago

Hi, there: Download links for the two tracks are: https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/532132?spm=a2c22.12281949.0.0.605a3b74x4XPTG https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/532131?spm=a2c22.12281949.0.0.605a3b74x4XPTG

You can also access CBLUE which derives the PromptCBLUE benchmark: https://tianchi.aliyun.com/dataset/95414