michael4180 / WeatherApp

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add persistence / database using the sqlmodel ORM #13

Open bbelderbos opened 5 months ago

bbelderbos commented 5 months ago

@michael4180 sorry got a bit busy in the end, what data are you looking to persist? maybe we can first looking at this together on our call on Monday and you work the other issues (and Bites) meanwhile? good weekend!

bbelderbos commented 5 months ago

To at least give you something to tinker with I made you a quick custom tutorial: https://chat.openai.com/share/9643a8f3-3e81-4c06-a1d1-1eca146ebb52 (I don't like how it repeatedly defines the engine in the functions, that you can probably just do once at the top of the module). Also ideally you should load the database url from the environment, similarly to #6