michael419 / xperience-community-redirects

Adds a module to the Xperience by Kentico administration interface to enable the management of URL redirects for website channels
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Bulk upload of redirects via CSV file #1

Open michael419 opened 1 month ago

michael419 commented 1 month ago


As a Marketer, I want to upload a CSV containing Source URL and Target Page URL pairs to create 301 redirects in the redirect module.

Once the CSV is uploaded, I would to receive feedback regarding:

Proposed solution

  1. Create a new admin UI page called Bulk upload which is accessible in the navigation for the module.
  2. On the existing listing page, add an Upload CSV button next to the Create redirect button which is a link to the new bulk upload admin page.
  3. On the new admin UI bulk upload page, a form will be presented to users with:
    • A Select web channel drop-down list, enabling the user to select which web channel they are uploading redirects for
    • An `Upload CSV' button.
  4. When a CSV us uploaded, the system shall:
    • Ensure that each Source URL doesn't already exist in the system. If one does, then the redirect shall be ignored and saved to a list of ignored redirects due to pre-exsting source URLs for later usage for feedback to the user
    • Ensure that a page exists for the supplied target page URL in the system. The system should take into account checking against both the system and vanity URLs of pages. If no matching page is found, the redirect should be ignored and saved to a list of no matching page found for the supplied target page URL.
  5. Feedback should be displayed directly on the page as two tables, one for each list, with a heading above each table.
    • The two tables shall be stacked on top of each other (not side-by-side).
    • Each table shall contain two columns for the Source URL and Target page URL.
  6. The page should include a link to download an example CSV file with the appropriate column headings.