michaelBenin / node-startup

Isomorphic nodejs application (SPA with FASTBOOT)
MIT License
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Remove code lint from scss #17

Closed michaelBenin closed 10 years ago

michaelBenin commented 10 years ago

michaeleninsair:node-startup Adminstrator$ grunt scsslint Running "scsslint:allFiles" (scsslint) task Running scss-lint on allFiles apps/about/_about.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/about/_about.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/about/_about.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/footer/_footer.scss:2 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/footer/_footer.scss:3 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff apps/footer/_footer.scss:7 [W] HexLength: Color #cccccc should be written as #ccc apps/footer/_footer.scss:8 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/footer/_footer.scss:12 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/home/_home.scss:1 [W] EmptyRule: Empty rule apps/links/_links.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/links/_links.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/links/_links.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/login/_login.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/login/_login.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/login/_login.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/nav/_nav.scss:11 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/nav/_nav.scss:15 [W] ZeroUnit: 0px should be written without units as 0 apps/nav/_nav.scss:15 [W] ZeroUnit: 0px should be written without units as 0 apps/nav/_nav.scss:16 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff apps/nav/_nav.scss:20 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff apps/nav/_nav.scss:24 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:26 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:32 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:34 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:39 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:62 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:64 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/nav/_nav.scss:66 [W] HexLength: Color #cccccc should be written as #ccc apps/nav/_nav.scss:67 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:68 [W] BorderZero: border: 0; is preferred over border: none; apps/nav/_nav.scss:69 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:72 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:80 [W] BorderZero: border: 0; is preferred over border: none; apps/nav/_nav.scss:81 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:95 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:98 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:102 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/nav/_nav.scss:104 [W] ColorKeyword: Color lightgray should be written in hexadecimal form as #d3d3d3 apps/nav/_nav.scss:107 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable form_font should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores apps/nav/_nav.scss:111 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:113 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:116 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:119 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:123 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:126 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/nav/_nav.scss:128 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/search/_search.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/search/_search.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/search/_search.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/searchquery/_searchquery.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/searchquery/_searchquery.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/searchquery/_searchquery.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/signup/_signup.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/signup/_signup.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/signup/_signup.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/topics/_topics.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/topics/_topics.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/topics/_topics.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/users/_users.scss:4 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property apps/users/_users.scss:6 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line apps/users/_users.scss:8 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:4 [W] ColorKeyword: Color black should be written in hexadecimal form as #000000 client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:10 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable body_font should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:11 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable form_font should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:12 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable order_button_font should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:14 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:15 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:17 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:18 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable mobile_retina should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:18 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:20 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:21 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:23 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:24 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable tablet_retina should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:24 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:26 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:27 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:29 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:30 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable desktop_retina should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_0variables.scss:30 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:3 [W] LeadingZero: 0.2 should be written without a leading zero as .2 client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:12 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:22 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:33 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:45 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:57 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:69 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:81 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:93 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:105 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:117 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:129 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:141 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:153 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:165 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:177 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:189 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:201 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:213 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:224 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:225 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:229 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:231 [W] LeadingZero: 0.9 should be written without a leading zero as .9 client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:232 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:243 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:247 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:250 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:261 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:265 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:268 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:279 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:283 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:286 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:297 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:301 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_animations.scss:304 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_extends.scss:2 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own line client/sass/framework/_extends.scss:3 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_extends.scss:5 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_extends.scss:10 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be followed by an empty line client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:2 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:3 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:4 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:11 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:12 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:13 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:20 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:21 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_fonts.scss:22 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:2 [W] NameFormat: Name of function parseInt should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:14 [W] ElsePlacement: @else should be placed on same line as previous curly brace client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:16 [W] NameFormat: Name of function parseInt should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:17 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:21 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_functions.scss:30 [W] ElsePlacement: @else should be placed on same line as previous curly brace client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:2 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:7 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable one_col should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:10 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable one_col should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:13 [W] NameFormat: Name of mixin sub_cols should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:13 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_child should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:13 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_parent should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:14 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable parent_size should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:14 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable one_col should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:14 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_parent should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:14 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_parent should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:15 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable child_size should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:15 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable one_col should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:15 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_child should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:15 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable num_child should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:16 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable parent_size should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:17 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable child_size should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:17 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable parent_size should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_grid.scss:29 [W] NameFormat: Name of mixin sub_cols should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:1 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:2 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:4 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:9 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:14 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:19 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:24 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_media-mixins.scss:29 [W] Comment: Use // comments everywhere client/sass/framework/_mixins.scss:21 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line client/sass/framework/_mixins.scss:24 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line client/sass/framework/_mixins.scss:25 [W] ZeroUnit: 0px should be written without units as 0 client/sass/framework/_mixins.scss:34 [W] DuplicateProperty: Property -webkit-transform already defined on line 32 client/sass/framework/_mixins.scss:35 [W] LeadingZero: 0.3 should be written without a leading zero as .3 client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:7 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:14 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:16 [W] HexLength: Color #aaaaaa should be written as #aaa client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:40 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:41 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:46 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:48 [W] BorderZero: border: 0; is preferred over border: none; client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:50 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:59 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own line client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:60 [W] PropertySortOrder: Properties should be sorted in order, with vendor-prefixed extensions before the standardized CSS property client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:62 [W] BorderZero: border: 0; is preferred over border: none; client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:66 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own line client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:67 [W] HexLength: Color #aaaaaa should be written as #aaa client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:70 [W] SingleLinePerSelector: Each selector in a comma sequence should be on its own line client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:75 [W] StringQuotes: Prefer single quoted strings client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:79 [W] ColorKeyword: Color white should be written in hexadecimal form as #ffffff client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:80 [W] ColorKeyword: Color black should be written in hexadecimal form as #000000 client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:81 [W] NameFormat: Name of variable body_font should be written in lowercase with hyphens instead of underscores client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:83 [W] PropertySpelling: Unknown property text client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:87 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line client/sass/framework/_reset.scss:89 [W] EmptyLineBetweenBlocks: Rule declaration should be preceded by an empty line Warning: Task "scsslint:allFiles" failed. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

Execution Time (2014-11-01 14:24:46 UTC) loading tasks 276ms ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 22% scsslint:allFiles 957ms ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ 78% Total 1.2s

michaelBenin commented 10 years ago
