michaelWuensch / BitBanana

Lightning Node Management for Android
MIT License
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Differentiate between lightning balance and onchain balance in node. #61

Closed BrunswickBTC closed 7 months ago

BrunswickBTC commented 7 months ago

The only way to tell the node onchain balance is to attempt to open a channel. It should be easy to check the non-channel balance of the node. (For example the way zeus does it)

michaelWuensch commented 7 months ago

Do you already use version v0.7.0? It was just released today and it delivered exactly that feature. Use the small yellow arrow under the balance to expand it for more details. Let me know if that fixed your issue.

BrunswickBTC commented 7 months ago

Um, wow! You're so speed at delivering new features is unparalleled. Looks great!

michaelWuensch commented 7 months ago

Glad you like it! I'm closing this issue now. In case you still have issues with this, you can reopen it.