michaelarnauts / comfoconnect

Python Zehnder ComfoConnect LAN C library to interface with ComfoAir Q350/450/600 units.
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Create new tag #15

Closed slootjes closed 3 years ago

slootjes commented 4 years ago

Can you create a new tag please?

slootjes commented 4 years ago

ping :)

michaelarnauts commented 4 years ago

For what change do you need a new release?

slootjes commented 4 years ago

There are tons of constants in pycomfoconnect/const.py I'd like to use in HomeAssistant but those aren't available since they were not in tag 0.3 which HA uses as the pinned version. Having the constants would make my life a lot easier to automate things. Is there anything stopping you from creating a new tag that I might be able to help with?

michaelarnauts commented 4 years ago

I wanted to rewrite the component in Home Assistant to use the new config flows, and by having the component check the library for supported sensors, so we don't need to declare all sensors in the home assistant component.

slootjes commented 4 years ago

That would be great too. Right now I'd like to have a feature to enable/disable bypass and such. If the tag would be created I could maybe contribute it to the current version of the component.

Something I tried locally (overriding the component):

from pycomfoconnect import const as ccc

SERVICE_COMFOCONNECT_CONTROL = "comfoconnect_control"

def comfoconnect_control(call):
    command = ('cmd_'+call.data.get(ATTR_COMMAND)).upper()
    _LOGGER.error("ComfoConnect command %s", command)
    if hasattr(ccc, command):
        _LOGGER.error("ComfoConnect command %s found, sending", command)
        ccb.comfoconnect.cmd_rmi_request(getattr(ccc, command))

hass.services.register(DOMAIN, SERVICE_COMFOCONNECT_CONTROL, comfoconnect_control)

this works really great but is pointless to add to the component since the consts aren't there in 0.3 tag.

dkossako commented 3 years ago

Any update on this? I can help also with HA component. It would be fine to add bypass control.

michaelarnauts commented 3 years ago

Sorry, no update. If you want, I could create a tag and publish an update to pypi. I haven't touched this code in some time. Feel free to update the Home Assistant component, I currently lack time/motivation to make modifications.

dkossako commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply, let's update it and then I will try to do some magic on HA side.

michaelarnauts commented 3 years ago

I've uploaded 0.4 to pypi.

See https://pypi.org/project/pycomfoconnect/0.4/

Feel free to make a PR for the Home Assistant component, and feel free to add your name to the code owners :)