michaelbromley / angularUtils-uiBreadcrumbs

Automatic breadcrumbs directive for use with angular-ui-router
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Dropdown within the breadcrumbs? #1

Open ryananthonydrake opened 8 years ago

ryananthonydrake commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I'd like to be able to add a dropdown within the breadcrumbs, is that possible?

So for example, in this screenshot, I'd like to click on Brand and display a dropdown, which would then allow me to dynamically switch the options between other brands? (Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew for example...)


I created a StackOverflow question in case anyone knows how to do this:


dannygoncalves commented 7 years ago

Did you managed to solve this @iamryandrake ? I'm working on a similar issue