Open DevQueen opened 7 years ago
I think you have to include itemsPerPage
itemsPerPage: The expression must include this filter. It is required by the pagination logic. The syntax is the same as any filter: itemsPerPage: 10
<div dir-paginate="item in type.EdataFileImageTypeID | itemsPerPage: 10" pagination-id="type.EdataFileImageTypeID"></div>
I am trying to use dirPagination in a table in an ng-repeat. My problem is that I cannot get the control to show. I just got the code today, so I assume that it is the "latest" version.
Here is my app.config block where I specify the template location:
I have included it in my app like so:
var app = angular .module('myModule', [ 'ui.bootstrap', 'checklist-model', 'ssq.shared', 'ngAnimate', 'ngTouch', 'ui.grid', 'ui.grid.pagination', 'ui.grid.selection', 'ui.grid.exporter', 'ui.grid.autoResize', 'ui.grid.saveState', 'ui.router', 'cgBusy', 'ui.mask', 'ngFileUpload', 'ngSanitize', 'angularUtils.directives.dirPagination' ]);
Here is where I am trying to use it in my ng-repeat:
I cannot get the control to display at all.