michaelbromley / ngx-pagination

Pagination for Angular
MIT License
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Absolute row index does not return correct value with filter #363

Closed Sowmya-Sukhanand closed 4 years ago

Sowmya-Sukhanand commented 4 years ago

Iam calculating the absolute index with the formula this.itemsPerPage * (this.currentPage - 1) + indexOnPage; It works perfectly But when i apply search and filter out the results,the actual index of the filtered result is not being displayed.It displays the index of the fitered result irrespective of the page in which it is being displayed.

michaelbromley commented 4 years ago

Hi, Can you show some code? Ideally a stackblitz reproduction of the issue?

Sowmya-Sukhanand commented 4 years ago

Hii.Thanks for getting back!!! Unfortunately iam not able to reproduce the issue due to some technicality Anyways i've solved the issue by not using the absolute index as of now