michaelbromley / ngx-pagination

Pagination for Angular
MIT License
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Unable to paginate card(with each card has datatable which is displayed by model) using ngx-pagination. #389

Open mcaprema opened 2 years ago

mcaprema commented 2 years ago

Im trying to paginate cards with datatable in which each rows has model.

*ngFor="let element of poHeader | paginate: { id :'moveNext', itemsPerPage: viewCount, currentPage: page } ; let i= index">

<pagination-controls id='moveNext' class="product-pagination" (pageChange)="onPageChanged($event)">

But card datas can be paginated, but datatable for each card wont get paginated (In my case datatable which has model for each row). Please help me out to fix this issue. i have been trying all solutions provided over the net .