michaelcheng1991 / Golf-Training-Aid-

Using sensors to create a golfer-friendly teaching device
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VIVI #16

Open michaelcheng1991 opened 9 years ago

michaelcheng1991 commented 9 years ago

Queen of fucking everything

michaelcheng1991 commented 8 years ago

Hey Vivienne, I think it might be a good way for us to keep track of what happened and what we agreed on each day by keeping a diary sort of stuff. Let me know what you think:)

Since we are both really bad at conveying what we think into words, i think writing down might be a good way to transmit our ideas.


Talked to Vivienne 9am - 10:15 am I made vivienne felt that she is compared with my ex vivienne is frustrated and not confident because she realized the gap between her and her colleagues in terms of knowledge in finance. she wants to be better but is pressured by me, she feels that i always think she’s not working hard enough she thinks that i think all her friends are bullshit and she’s just relatively better than them she has a lot of pressure but she doesn’t usually feel it she hopes that i know her more

My reaction I thought that was bullshit, i lost my temper by yelling at her that that is bullshit

Conclusion, thoughts I need to change the way i view other people, don’t make other people feel inferior don’t always try to lecture vivienne, cause she knows what she is doing don’t ask her about her job, because she thinks it’s boring talking about those, and that by asking her, it will make her feel that i am pressuring her to do more I can’t think i am the shit, cause i am not to make this long distance relationship work, i need to put in more effort and try harder to not piss her off.

Thoughts after I re-read 李開復’s 我修的死亡學分 追逐名利的人生是膚淺的, 為了改變世界的人生是充滿壓力的.珍貴的生命旅程,應該抱著初學者的心態,對世界保持兒童般的好奇心,好好體驗人生. 讓自己每天都比前一天有學習,有成長,不必改變別人,只要做事問心無愧,對人真誠平等,這就足夠了 賈伯斯曾說過, 記住你即將死去.這句話如今已成為我的座右銘,每天提醒我看清楚什麼才是生命中重要的選擇; 因為所有的榮耀與驕傲,難堪與恐懼, 都會在死亡面前消失. 留下真正重要的東西. 如果察覺到自己沈溺在擔心會失去某些東西時, 記住你即將死去會是最好的解藥.

如果我只有一百天 I want to prove myself that i can do whatever i put my mind into Golf training aid Project on schedule Spend time with people who matters Mom, sis, dad, grandma, grandpa friends : vivienne, eric Enjoy life, challenge myself go to musical, museum. travel improve in golf practice work out meet new people/ hang out with friends but who? 如果我只有一天 spend time with people who matters live in the moment


What I did wrong last night was I shouldn’t have given you such attitude. You are right. You don’t deserve this. Even if you hurt me or not, I’m the one who misinterpreted it. Especially you were just simply telling me a fact.

What I should try doing next time is - tell you directly when I feel offended instead of flipping out at you and being mad inside.

What I hope you can do is - try to understand why I would think like that and the reasons I got mad. There’s always a way to avoid fights.


放下身段, 讓一步 山不轉路轉 http://buzzorange.com/techorange/2015/05/12/why-i-donthate-do-startup/


Today I pressed the do-not-press button. I know I shouldn’t be doing that and just follow my mom’s step but I just felt like I had to. 忍耐也要忍耐對的事 I think I did the right thing but why do I feel so wrong?

sorry i couldn’t be there to talk with you babe. i don’t know what happened, but i do know things will be fine, you and your mom love each other very much i know, so you guys will be just fine. and sometimes things are just like that

And I I I I feel something so right by doing the wrong thing And I I I I feel something so wrong by doing the right thing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hT_nvWreIhg http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/onerepublic/countingstars.html

anyway, everything will be just fine:) love you babe~


永遠記住阿公的話跟對恩傑很好 (不要亂edit我-_-) 先聽再講


Thanks for willing to take days off work for me :) that means a lot to me babe :3 in return, I, Michael Cheng, will do whatever Vivienne wants me to do for a week when I go back to Taiwan and treat her like a princess.

10/14/2015 i only got 5.5/10 for my homework which I spent 8 hours on:( kuku Wasn’t a productive day:/ possible reasons: tired (hope you’re not talking about me) NO COFFEE????? (go drink your blue bottle!) just cause? (<--I think this is the true reason) cause i went to class? (ehem you only have two days of class babe… I have 40hrs of work errweek) lack of exercise? (let’s start working out woot woot:))


haha I love how you put ‘vivienne’ on your schedule<3 love ya!

10/17/2015 12:07

just went mental breakdown in front of my mom. I know I will be fine by tmr. just hoping there’s someone to talk to. I know you’re still asleep so it’s ok. no worries cuz everything will be fine…. just like you always say

想把每件事情做得完美 好累 10/17/2015

abstract -I get mad because you can’t defend/take care of yourself when you are drunk -and much more in detail

I lost my temper The reasons why I got mad today were it was suppose to be a fun day for you ( it turned out not ) I got jealous because you were eating dinner with bernie and you bumped into your 相親對象, I am okay with it in a sense that i know there was nothing going on, but i don’t want you to repeatedly telling me over and over again cause as long as i knew about it, it’s fine, don’t rub it in and when i say it’s cool, it’s cool, none of that cool = not cool kinda bullshit I don’t like it when you say i am gonna use it against you in the future I don’t like it when you say i don’t care, cause again, Not yelling at you the first place does not mean i don’t care. I am fine with you getting tipsy/ drunk. but i want you to be having fun, not coming home and telling me they won’t leave you alone and like they ruin your day and shit. if you only wanna chill with bonnie, just the two of you, you guys should just go to her place or your place or a lounge, not a fucking club. You said bonnie wanted to go clubbing, but you will have to be in consensus for the both of you to go, so next time, i rather just hear, bonnie and i want to go clubbing, instead of using bonnie as an excuse to go clubbing the fact that you go clubbing wouldn’t have been a big deal, you’ve gone many times since we were in a relationship, sometimes you told me after you went, which is totally fine, i understand clubbing/ktv/drinking are mostly spontaneous, but don’t use other people as an excuse. the fact that bernie followed you to the club doesn’t make fucking sense either if you were so eager to get away from him. You said, and i quote “ he kept wanting me to have more drinks, and he kept pulling me”. if you told me these things happened, don’t expect me to not be mad. cause it couldn’t have happened if you were straight up bitch face at them or tell bernie to fuck off after you know he still have feelings for you, which he obviously show through actions. the reason i let you go to dinner with bernie was under the assumptions that he doesn’t like you any more if you knew he had feelings for you, you wouldn’t have even consider going in the first place, so i know in your judgement, he doesn’t like you any more it’s a group setting just a dinner, no fucking follow up events like clubbing and shit what made me furious is the fact that all of the things happened above, the way you deal with bernie indicates that you don’t think as clear when you are intoxicated, which is no shit, no one thinks straight when he/she is drunk, but this is not an excuse, not a fucking excuse at all, if you were drunk you shouldn’t have got in contact with bernie in the first place.

There are probably misunderstandings, but i type these harsh words with a heavy heart. I understand that you are under a lot of pressure, and you need to have fun/ drink to let off some steam. But i do think some of these behaviors are a out of bounds. So what i want you to do is to explain these things clearly, tell me what happened exactly again by writing them down instead of telling me cause you are often not clear when you tell me verbally.



2:30-6:30 picnic Around 5 I got a msg from Bernie asking me if I have time for dinner. I told him I'm only free ytd night. So he asked if I would mind joining their group dinner and I said it's cool.

It was almost 7. I got another msg from him telling me that his friends suddenly decided to eat at ktv instead so he suggested we eat ourselves. I thought it's weird if I said no just because his friends aren't coming.

7:00-8:00 dinner 8:00-10:00 ktv I was gna meet up with Angel & Bonnie around 9 but dinner ended earlier than I thought so we just went to ktv and met up with his friends. That’s where I saw Alex. I thought I can wait for Angel & Bonnie there that’s why I went at the first place. I also texted both girls telling them my dinner ended early so we can meet up before 9. Bonnie said she’s still with friends and won’t be done by 10. Angel didn’t respond.

During ktv I got another msg from Wendy (she went to Angel’s) telling me that Angel’s ptfo. I know she’s not sleeping much lately cuz of her loss of her grandpa, so I told Wendy just let her sleep. So I stayed at the ktv a little longer until my friends from picnic asked me to join them at izakaya. I told other people at ktv that I’m going to drink with friends at a izakaya. THEY asked me if they can join since they’re going clubbing later and they wanna pregame somewhere. (I’m not the one who invited them) I said ok so they all came to izakaya with me.

10:00-12:00 izakaya I played darts with Michael Lu and this other guy called Johnny. The rest of the ppl (Bernie, his friends, and my friends) were just drinking and chillin tgt. So they invited all of us to go clubbing with them. Bonnie came around that time and she asked me to go cuz she can barely stay out till late. So we all left tgt.

12:00-3:00 omni In the beginning we were all tgt, but I didn’t really want to party with Bernie and his friends (I don’t know why). Kevin Lin popped out of nowhere and I told him I don’t want to be with these guys so he took me and Bonnie to his table. And that’s where I first met my supposed-to-be 相親對象. I was super shocked cuz I never thought I would actually meet him in real life. (and better not to cuz I previously turned him off) I just stayed at Kevin’s table the rest of the night. And yes Bernie kept looking for me cuz I left them w/o notifying. I was just annoyed bcuz he kept coming to our table. Obviously cuz I was there. I couldn’t ask him to leave but I just kept talking to other people so eventually he left. That’s pretty much what happened last night.

Babe you have all the reasons to get angry at me. If this happened to me I would have gone super duper mad too. (esp I’m sucha jealousy bitch) So I understand. I’m so sorry I could have handled the situation better if I were sober, but everything just happened too fast and it was too late cuz I was already drunk. My original plan was just to get wasted with friends from picnic. (and I did) If I knew these things are going to happen I wouldn’t have drank that much. What I did wrong was I didn’t know how to 避嫌 and did things that upsets you. But besides that I know I did not do anything that I should not do. Especially things that 對不起你. NEVER. And also I apologize for the expressions I used when I was telling you of what happened ytd. I could have been more positive not just bitch about things that could have been avoided if I were more responsible with my actions. I said you are so going to take revenge on me. I really didn’t mean to say that. I said it cuz I was scared of you doing the same thing cuz I know I would be so hurt. So I’m begging you not to do that. It’s not bcuz I have doubts on you or I don’t trust you. It’s just an imagination that even thinking about me scares me. Sorry I don’t know why I said it like that. My bad.

Babe you are my everything. I hate to disappoint you. And the last thing I wanna do is to hurt you. I’m sorry I made you worry. Especially when in long distance, these kind of stuff should not even happen. Please accept my apology. I love you so much. I wish you are right next to me. If we are together nothing else is more important than you. I just want a simple life with a man I love, and I can’t wait till that day to come. I miss you so much….


try this yoga core training https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdWyo_3KrfA


I talked to my mom a lot about us today. I think I finally 某種程度上得到了她的認可. I told her we are going to Bali. She’s not really happy about it because she will have to explain it to my other family members of why I’m not home for a month. I’m still persuading her but she said if I’m willing to give up everything just to be with you, she will support me. A lot of other stuff, too. I told you I just went super 任性要她接受我做任何事, but in fact, that is not true at all. I did a lot of other things to make her feel like I’m a grown-up and I know what I’m doing. It took me a lot of mind and energy, so I really wish you can appreciate how much time and effort I put in this relationship. Sometimes when you are cold to me, it just makes me very frustrated, and makes me wonder if everything’s really worth it. That’s why I asked you if we are on the same boat today. You said yes but I don’t know why I didn’t feel it. If you didn’t mean it and if you think I’m not worth of your precious time, please let me know ahead. I don't want to make the biggest mistake in my life. I am willing to sacrifice big time for you. But if you don’t even want me to do it, there is no point for me spending so much time trying to figure out/plan the best move I can do for our future. I didn't want to tell you first cuz I wanted to make sure everything will work out so that you won't be disappointed if I failed to do it.


我沒時間慢慢等你了 現在有很多事情要同時處理不想一直為了你的事心煩意亂 趁現在我思緒非常清晰的時候告訴你我認為可行具體一點的解決方式 First of all, 告訴過你我決定要做的事我就會去做 就算非常困難我也會去做 我會調整心態 不會去將它看成為了你放棄一切而做的犧牲 所以我希望從今以後你能至少做到的就是更體諒我替我多想一點實際你能為我做到的事 而不是嘴巴說說你有在想 你冷淡的回應只會讓我感覺你很消極 All you say is sorry give you some time. I really wanna just leave you alone and give you the time you want, but I'm not sure how long I can wait for. 你要不要自己看看 the last couples of diary都只有我在嘗試跟你溝通 I think I deserve 你該給我的回覆 我從來都沒有跟你要過你給不起的 不要拿你自己personal的事當藉口 如果一點小小的付出都沒有會讓我覺得很挫敗 我也不想feel unbalanced. 但客觀看下來我很難不這麼想 然後不要再用會讓我難過的態度對我了 很多時候你真的太自我中心而忽略了我的感受 Show me some love and care. Not only when we fight but on a daily basis. I am going through such a hard time in my life. I don't say it doesn't mean I'm fine. Especially I'm doing all these for us not myself. If my boyfriend is not even there when I need him, what's the point for me trying so hard? 大至上就這樣了 不要再記前嫌了吧 oh and happy four months babe! We've been through a lot.

10/21/2015 Trying to figure out how to use SPI properly, encounter the fact that it might be the clock rate for IMU and MEGA are not compatible, which may be an issue for I2C as well. However, SPI does not spot respond -Trigger level related problem?

Plan off attack build on the testing code and compare with reading with just one IMU, try to isolate the problem got the address got the G readings for both, but the address is off and creates a lot of gibberish numbers The Uno at 16 MHz is getting into the ideal filter update rate regime with update rates approaching twice the data sampling rates (https://github.com/kriswiner/MPU-6050/wiki/Affordable-9-DoF-Sensor-Fusion) sample might be aliased, need to lower IMU clock frequency http://www.dataq.com/data-acquisition/general-education-tutorials/what-you-really-need-to-know-about-sample-rate.html

OBSERVED THE CHANGED THE OUPUT DATA RATE (ODR) TO THE LOWEST FOR IMU FOR AX/G AND SET THE SETCLOCKDIVIDER TO 1 BUT THE WHO_AM_I IS STILL GIVING BAD RESULTS (REPEATING DISORDERED NUMBERS) COULD IT BE ALIASING? It is alias: http://www.dataq.com/data-acquisition/general-education-tutorials/what-you-really-need-to-know-about-sample-rate.html

I decide to keep moving on and try to print out accelerometer


TWO IMU successfully print out correct data of G, Gauss, and Row, Yaw, Pitch!



10/22/2015 9 days left till field test need to complete garment prototype functional data collection system

good to have a way of analyzing data simulation of some sort

Worked on prototype for about 1.5 hours, paused because I got tired. i will try to continue prototyping today after the 578 meeting. Big picture down the road definitely need to create a feedback system for the golfers after user hit a shot replicate the shot by video plots analysis what went wrong suggestions on how to fix it the question is how? so what do i have angular velocity linear acceleration what can i get the absolute location coordinate? using matlab? (http://www.mathworks.com/hardware-support/arduino-matlab.html) the simulation ( not real time) by uploading the data to excel and use matlab to draw the motion (but i am not sure if i can do it ) what if i want real time simulation

For 10/23/2015

you should read this for more information on LSM9DS0 accuracy, sample update rate and such https://github.com/kriswiner/MPU-6050/wiki/Affordable-9-DoF-Sensor-Fusion you should really look into how to take variable out of loop and utilize them for further calculation Definitely Read THIS http://electronics.stackexchange.com/questions/4983/how-to-determine-position-from-gyroscope-and-accelerometer-input

Trend of thoughts I have two options to do data acquisition and analysis the “probably can be done now” way arduino code export to excel using excel software use matlab to read and then draw 3D animation Use Matlab instead of arduino and do data presentation and 3D animation all at once

I think option 2 is better. get it done by 10/30 (that’s 6 days )

USing Matlab for 3D animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nPKcR_xSIpY

using Mathematica? http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/Mathematica Communicate with SPI device on arduino using matlab http://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/arduinoio/examples/communicate-with-spi-device-on-arduino-hardware.html?prodcode=ML Connecting arduino /potentiometer with mathematica

10/24/2015 How to send data from Arduino to Matlab http://allaboutee.com/2011/07/04/how-to-send-data-from-the-arduino-to-matlab/

send data from Matlab -> Arduino http://allaboutee.com/2011/07/04/how-to-send-data-from-matlab-to-your-arduino/

example of showing 3d animation using matlab + accelerometer http://blog.csdn.net/sonictl/article/details/8462879

Build your own Arduino Uno/Mega, why not? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNIMCdVOHOM

Buy stuff here!! http://www.banggood.com/Wholesale-Arduino-and-SCM-Components-c-2364-0-1-1-45-0_page9.html


Patent research

Kvest uses http://bartoncreekgolfacademy.com/about/our-golf-technology/ aimpoint technology ?? http://aimpointgolf.com/ AimPoint Technologies is a company focused on the science of predictive putt technology, green reading instruction, and player performance analysis, with the goal of improving golf performance and educating golfers in a quick and efficient manner. AimPoint developed the Emmy-winning and patented AimPoint technology which can accurately predict optimum putting parameters and putt trajectories from any point on a green to any other point. This technology has been used regularly on the Golf Channel since 2007 and won the George Wensel Award for Technical Achievement at the 2007 Sports Emmy Awards.

Provisional patent Thus, the approach to provisional patent applications is to make sure you have all the disclosure we need later when we will prepare the nonprovisional patent application. This can include attaching one or more supplemental documents to a drafted provisional patent application, it can and usually does include filing many drawings, sketches and even photographs. USC Law School http://weblaw.usc.edu/about/contact/

You have an ocean of love, strength, and courage inside of you and it grows with every sunrise. 加油 baby!

Hehe Thank you babe! you have a galaxy of love strength and courage. that’s forever expanding and no boundary~


sent out two patent question emails

Question: how to prototype? Answer: http://www.arttec.net/Industrial/Design.html this website helps you prototype (no interface though), it has a lot of information nonetheless

Answer : What about PCB prototyping? https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/pcb-basics this is a good site on pros and cons on PCB, maybe think about point to point wiring?

10/27 talk to Jennifer with this http://www.docie.com/patenting-help/ways-to-perform-a-patent-search/

Overview of ways to obtain a patent or prior art search, in order of cost: Perform a US Patent Search Free On-line – On this website go to “Patent Searching” where you will find instruction about how to perform your own free search. Cost: Free Do a World patent application search on the WIPO PatentScope database. Cost: Free Subscribe to a major world patent database, and do extensive word searches on patents and research papers from around the world. Cost: $50 to $200 Hire a professional patent search firm to do a US patent search for you, takes 1-2 weeks, or rush 1-2 days. Cost: $300 – $500. Hire a patent attorney or patent agent to do a search with patentability opinion letter, 1-4 weeks.Cost: $500 – $1,500+ Have a World patent search performed at one of the designated World patent offices. Cost: $1,000 – $2000+

DCMDCMDCMDCM http://www.starlino.com/dcm_tutorial.html

11/3/2015 Just wanna say hi my love :)

11/5/2015 oops just saw this! hi babe<3

11/4/2015 this is my website’s About Page intro, what do you think?

Problem Can I visualize my ideas? Can I distribute what I wanna say to different pages? how to present it in a why -> how -> what

What I wanna say

  1. who am I , why I wanna start this project a) because i suffered from practicing the wrong thing (for five years) b) which leads to injuries (back pain, left knee, but everyone probably has this ) c) waste time, money, cause frustration,
  2. What's our mission, Why we do this. What do we believe in a) we believe that hard work should pay off, and maximum returns should and will be obtain using our project b) we believe golf is a great sport that will greatly improve ones physical and mental strength c) by lower starting frustration hump and economics barrier, we want to be the ambassador of the sport
  3. How can this product help you a) helps you regain your swing, log your swing data, big data (good swing) b) practice mode, so that you know coach's intention perfectly and long after c) training mode, keep track of your progress d) licensing your favorite golf professional stars, so you can do what they do e) help you reduce frustration on the golf course, know what you do wrong, enjoy golf, don't be miserable f) help you locate your ball on the golf course (in the future, if i know the tensile strength, length, loft, of the club) g) help you break through more efficiently, save you money, time
  4. How is my project different from KVest, BioDynamics Golf, Zepp, arccos a) instead of outcome, we understand that outcome doesn't mean much if you don't know how to interpret it, so we focus on your input, and gives you understandable analysis to help you improve by giving you drills and what you did wrong by how much and such b)

Hi, my name is Michael Cheng, I am a Master's Student studying Mechanical Engineering at USC. I am also passionate in golf because I Golf makes me realize the importance of working smart and efficiently. that there is nothing for sure, A good day of practice does not guarantee you a low round next day, A good swing does not ensure good outcome. Most importantly In-Situ is a product that will allow golfers to log their practice systematically, no more aimlessly hitting balls, no more frustration from hitting like pros the day before but hitting like the old you the next no more shanking or slicing or hooking all around on the golf course but not knowing what to do.

We do not believe that In-Situ will help you improve your golf swing over night, but we believe in practicing efficiently, scientifically, and purposefully. we believe hard work should pay off, we believe golf is a great sport that built a person's physical and mental strength alike, so we want to promote golf by building a device that could make golf more affordable and less frustrating