michaeldaydayup / ProjectManagement

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Global Shapers #2

Closed michaeldaydayup closed 7 years ago

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

why leadership held GS programme?

Core: improve Arcadis: young generation's new ideas may contribute leadership to find a new approach to deal with challenge.

Selection criteria:

How to get Golden Ticket

My work should have:

write my paper in way.

To do list:

Useful website:

Yammer: https://www.yammer.com/arcadis.nl/#/threads/inGroup?type=in_group&feedId=11881818 www.arcadiswetransfer.com www.arcadisglobalshaper.com http://www.library.manchester.ac.uk/

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

Rachana Sahoo – May 31 at 4:24pm

› Hurrey!

Excited to share some of the new points on Sustainability and Digital World. The combination of these will make the World more Safe.

Lets Go through this!

Why Is It Required? It is increasingly evident that the supply of raw materials is limited and the way we use them can have significant knock on effect on the world around us: Traditional energy sources are getting more expensive as fossil fuel supplies become less certain; climate change and related natural disasters have global impact; and the scarcity of some raw materials is demanding new approaches to manufacturing. In response, many governments and companies are deploying comprehensive and demanding sustainability policies.

So what’s new? The big news relates to the digitalization of the economy through the application of technologies sometimes referred to as SMAC (social, mobile, analytics, cloud). In Atos we also call it the “Third Digital Revolution”.

It has three main pillars :

  1. Environment - Predominant concern here is Climate change
  1. Economic - Economization of environmental/social aspects of sustainability

  2. Social - Social engagement by their employer and a commitment to creating a more sustainable working environment

Third Digital Revolution - The third digital revolution is happening at the beginning of the 21st century.By 2018, we anticipate 4.5 Bn smartphones, 25 Bn connected objects and more than 1.5 Bn of us engaged in on-line Social Networks.Smartphone applications, social networks and sensors will generate data which can be used to present additional value add services to users through using localization and context.

DIGITAL & SUSTAINABILITY - Digital revolution will have impact on the main pillars of Sustainability.

  1. Environment - The emergence of the Internet of Everything (Connected Objects and people) will generate vast amounts of data that with the application of Analytics and visualization techniques will help us understand more about the way we interact with each other; with businesses; and with the world around us. Unlocking such insights will enable us to discover patterns for more sustainable behavior e.g.:
  1. Economic - In most cases, there are tangible positive economic benefits to be gleaned from sustainable approaches to business: Less waste, less energy consumption, time saved.

For large companies engaging actively, there are additional effects:

they attract consumers who are motivated by environmental concerns they limit the “bottom-line” impact of the rising of energy price and environmental taxes The “Cloud” approach to IT service provision means that investment in new technologies and sustainable business processes does not have to be prohibitive, with solutions being generally commoditized with commercial approaches driven by the consumer mentality of availability anywhere, anytime and “only pay for what you use”.

  1. Social -
    • New economic models, where for instance sharing some of your personal data gives you access to free -or freemium- services, are quite useful for creating new ways of collaboration. Ethical projects, where there is generally limited funding for upfront investments, will be facilitated through crowdfunding: trust is needed but sustainability is generally a world of trust. Smart Cities, enhanced by mobility, social networks and connected objects, is not only an efficient way to manage a city and improve its environmental footprint, it also enables new era for citizen engagement.

Hope this may help you Guys in understanding the relationship between Sustainability and Digital Growth.

Thanks! ‹ collapse

cc: Ogdan Kamenarski, Nicky Wright, Nick De Lacey, Edwin Khoo, Roshni Khandelwal, Praveenkhanna Udayakumar, Jonathan Treece, Annabelle Ceñir, Megan Klar, Janine Bauer, Sami Gasan, Christian Beltman, and Tapan Khandelwal

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago


digital collaboration network app, AI, talent pool

building consumption Internet of Things


topical approach limits system-wide benefits corrective actions can be better guided by historical and real-time data modeling system design with usage change

collect data, analyse data maintenance record, data---corrective action, optimize environment

IoT enabled data analytics helps improve building efficiency

energy efficiency occupant comfort and safety operational effectiveness

building performance, building health, building life, equipment life, building efficiency--energy

equipment: serial number, last service, how long has been running. control chiller in computer

using machine learning to predict the results

core: maintain equipment more effectively smart way to auto-control the building based on historical data and machine learning save energy

Arcadis Global Building Management Programme AGBMP

to do list: understand Arcadis Building business line how to apply building information management system into our building business line.

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

18分 Connected service uses data for rich analytics to generate insights during impactful actions

Help us to be a professional building consultancy

Fault detection diagnostics Machine learning: know where maybe have problems Natural language processing: understand what we need Regression analysis Model predictive analytics Advanced statistical models

Collect the data which does exist, analyze it and create value for clients

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago


definition: something can keep going, sustain themselves continue to do what was designed to do

fresh air, clean water, high quality of life forever

four principles: The Four Principles of Sustainability

Thus were the four principles of sustainability born. They are, with my own comments, as follows: eliminate our contribution to the progressive buildup of substances extracted from the Earth’s crust: modern science holds that a finite amount of most minerals were embedded into the Earth at its creation. We cannot build a whole society or economy around pretending that these resources are infinite. This is what is fundamentally wrong with our current coal and oil based economy, and it’s also what is fundamentally wrong with the rare-earth mineral strategy for green energy. Changing a heroin addict’s medicine from heroin to methadone doesn’t fix the problem. We need a system which is not based upon the pretence that these finite resources will be replenished. eliminate our contribution to the progressive buildup of chemicals and compounds produced by society: just as we basically rely upon the Earth to provide for us, so we rely upon it to dispose of our waste. However, we have increasingly adopted the attitude that it does not matter what the waste from a process is so long as the product is serviceable. It does not matter what this waste is, whether its nuclear, chemical or even biodegradable .. if too much is produced then the consequent build up undermines our ability to live sustainably. eliminate our contribution to the progressive physical degradation and destruction of nature and natural processes: the ecology of the planet cannot be fully understood, but this does not mean it should be treated with wholesale disrespect. Our system of life should not need to swallow ever larger portions of the natural environment in order to support us, whether through suburban sprawl, hydroelectric schemes or industrialised agriculture. eliminate our contribution to conditions that undermine people’s capacity to meet their basic human needs: human rights, it’s often said, is the poor relation to the environment whenever sustainability is discussed, and this phrase neatly sums up why. The nine basic needs The Natural Step supports are those of Manfred Max-Neef: subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity and freedom. Our present consumer economy is centred around eroding people’s ability to meet their needs under their own steam, so they need to part with money in order to make up the shortfall. Think of food for example: thanks to irradiation and a host of other chemical treatments the nutritional value of many fresh (that is to say, not frozen, canned or otherwise preserved) foods is now seriously in doubt. Social sustainability goes far beyond living wages and working hours. The vital thing about these principles is that they are not “thou shalt not” commandments. They are all to do with what is part of the everyday systemic impacts our lives and economies have on the planet an people around us. The Natural Step is by no means a new organisation: it was founded in the late 1980s just after the Brundtland Commission gave its final report. Nor is it particularly niche, working as it does with organisations as diverse as Forum for the Future and Nike. However it does tend to keep a low profile, so I hope highlighting these principles has given you something more to think about. And I strongly suggest investigating their website, but do put a good bit of time aside because it holds many interesting niches for those prepared to search!

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVy2JSXkeYs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=890zE2sbtWM)

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago


michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

Less waste: less papers 更符合客户心意,Less change: 预估碳排放,

可持续城市 LEED

michaeldaydayup commented 7 years ago

四点: Organic growth Client focus Collaboration Innovation