michaeldfallen / git-radar

A heads up display for git
MIT License
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Fish support #5

Open skrat opened 9 years ago

skrat commented 9 years ago

...would be nice

Rameshv commented 9 years ago


kernelp4nic commented 9 years ago

You can use --bash option to build your prompt with fish

function fish_prompt --description 'Write out the prompt'
  printf  '[%s] %s%s%s%s\f\r> ' (date "+%H:%M:%S") (set_color -o blue) (pwd)  (set_color normal) (git-radar --bash --fetch)

[09:28:21] /some/repo git:(upstream ⚡ master) 1A 1D 13A

It would be nice at least a mention about this in the readme. I'm happy to make a PR.

Rameshv commented 9 years ago

Thats quick @kernelp4nic :) But its not working.. i have lot of unstaged changes, it just displayes >, nothing else

michaeldfallen commented 9 years ago

@Rameshv sorry I don't use fish so I haven't it yet. I'll look in to this. Can you send me an example fishrc so I know where to start?

Rameshv commented 9 years ago

Sure @michaeldfallen. fish config usually stored in ~/.config/fish/config.fish, it kinda look like this

# Path to your oh-my-fish.
set fish_path $HOME/.oh-my-fish

# Theme
#set fish_theme robbyrussell

# Load oh-my-fish configuration.
. $fish_path/oh-my-fish.fish

set fish_plugins git  autojump bundler rvm rails rake node python emoji-clock

#set path vars

set PATH $PATH ~/softwares/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.4.9/bin

set PATH $PATH ~/softwares/redis-2.8.7/src 

set PATH $PATH ~/softwares/android-sdk-macosx/tools

#set aliases for frequently used commands
alias gitlog='git log --all --graph --pretty=format:"%Cred%h%Creset -%C(auto)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset" --abbrev-commit --date=relative'
alias gits='git status -sb'

and fish_prompt is a method responsible for displaying the prompt as specified by @kernelp4nic

oppianmatt commented 9 years ago

would be nice to have git-radar in one of the tackle themes https://github.com/justinmayer/tackle instead of vcprompt

alex-kovshovik commented 9 years ago


tooolbox commented 9 years ago


n10v commented 9 years ago

https://github.com/michaeldfallen/git-radar/commit/74080c75a3c2b7c83945f326143ff219ec2302c9 https://github.com/michaeldfallen/git-radar/commit/4fa1744141e2027043e4a0ca310a94a30a20a1fb

tooolbox commented 9 years ago

@bogem Nice!

My alternate version that matches the existing prompt that I had:

function fish_prompt
    echo -n (whoami)@(hostname|cut -d . -f 1)
    echo -n " "
    set_color $fish_color_cwd
    echo -n (prompt_pwd)
    git-radar --fish -fetch
    set_color normal
    echo -n '> '

I guess the Brew formula just needs to be updated now, as there's no --fish flag in 0.2. :)

n10v commented 9 years ago

@tooolbox thanks :) I like minimal prompts Yes. Brew formula needs to be updated

jschneider commented 9 years ago

Something looks strange for me. Any ideas why?


michaeldfallen commented 9 years ago

sorry that I haven't published the new version, looking to automate that as soon as possible. I want to get the configurable prefixes mentioned in #17 and #15 before releasing. Tonight I hope.

jschneider commented 9 years ago

I cloned your repository. I am currently using da76c7d Isn't this the latest version?

kenglxn commented 9 years ago

Awesome project. When you publish the new version, perhaps consider adding oh-my-fish theme.

Put up an example omf theme based on git-radar here: https://github.com/kenglxn/git-radar-omf-theme