michaelfeil / infinity

Infinity is a high-throughput, low-latency REST API for serving vector embeddings, supporting a wide range of text-embedding models and frameworks.
MIT License
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How does this compare to Huggingface's Text Embedding Inference? #108

Open alpayariyak opened 5 months ago

alpayariyak commented 5 months ago


Thank you for your amazing work!

We'd like to add an embedding template for users to deploy on RunPod, and we're deciding between Infinity and HF's Text Embedding Inference. How would you say Infinity compares, especially in performance?

michaelfeil commented 5 months ago

Hey @alpayariyak , great question, tei is a great project that started slightly later than this, and i like it (apart from its license).

bench-marking is pretty subjective, e.g. a single sentence - 10 token query is nothing you should we deploy typically Bert-large on Nvidia L4 instances. Sending batches of ~256 with 380 tokens each, the performance (batch throughput/latency) is likely the only metric you want to care about, since you need to serve under high load to get anything back for your money.


CPU is around 3x faster, when using infinity with optimum engine. Candle/torch is not that great at cpu inference, onnx has an edge here.


TEI round 2-5% faster on 0.55 requests per second on TEI vs 0.52 on infinity. You will need to choose the right image for this, and know that e.g. 89 compute capability is what you should go for on Nvidia L4.


The startup time is slightly faster / same order of magnitute. This is for the GPU image. For roberta large, its similar gap. Docker image of TEI is smaller - torch+cuda is a real heavy weight

Additional features that TEI misses:

michaelfeil commented 5 months ago

@alpayariyak Invested like 4-5h on this and set up an extra doc: Can I please have your feedback on it? https://michaelfeil.eu/infinity/latest/benchmarking/

indranilr commented 4 months ago

@alpayariyak Invested like 4-5h on this and set up an extra doc: Can I please have your feedback on it? https://michaelfeil.eu/infinity/latest/benchmarking/

The benchmark link seems dead, could you please repost ?

michaelfeil commented 4 months ago


Jimmy-Newtron commented 3 months ago

Your project is amazing ! :rocket:

I :heart: your LICENSE that is better respect the one of TEI (:-1:)

Have you ever though to add an API endpoint that can serve as well as TextSplitter ? It would replace the need to load in memory the same model for the text Chunker and the Embedder


michaelfeil commented 3 months ago

@Jimmy-Newtron Can you open another issue for that?

Jimmy-Newtron commented 3 months ago


michaelfeil commented 3 months ago

Are the integrations into Langchain? What would be the expected usage? To count tokens?

Jimmy-Newtron commented 3 months ago

The main goal would be to avoid loading in memory twice the same model

Are the integrations into Langchain?

Yes I suppose that a LangChain Integration would be required

What would be the expected usage? To count tokens?

To optimize the resources used (GPU, VRAM) it would be nice to have the Infinity server to be able to chunk long input sequences into smaller sentences that are fitting the window size of the chosen Embed model.

I have found an implementation of a similar concept in the AI21 Studio Text Segmentation that is already available into the LangChain Integrations

Here some source codes that may be of interest to conceive a solution:

Jimmy-Newtron commented 3 months ago

great question, tei is a great project that started slightly later than this, and i like it (apart from its license).

https://github.com/huggingface/text-embeddings-inference/issues/232 https://github.com/huggingface/text-embeddings-inference/commit/3c385a4fdced6c526a3ef3ec340e343a2fa40196

Does this means that there will be a convergence of the 2 projects?