michaelfeil / infinity

Infinity is a high-throughput, low-latency REST API for serving vector embeddings, supporting a wide range of text-embedding models and frameworks.
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Docker path not in readme #222

Closed hughesadam87 closed 1 month ago

hughesadam87 commented 1 month ago

Real quick - from the docs it wasn't clear how to pull a prebuilt docker image. For example, is it this one?

 [docker pull cledge/infinity](https://hub.docker.com/r/cledge/infinity)
michaelfeil commented 1 month ago

It is in the readme. Michaelf34/infinity.


hughesadam87 commented 1 month ago

Ok - when I searched "infinity" on dockerhub I didn't see, so I would recommend putting the full dockerhub URL clearly in the readme so there's no ambiguity, just my 2c. IE

 docker pull michaelf34/infinity
michaelfeil commented 1 month ago

Just updated the readme - is it more visible now?