michaelgrosner / tribeca

A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
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Set Up Questions for OSX - docker-machine and mongoDB IP #195

Open commonwealthgoods opened 6 years ago

commonwealthgoods commented 6 years ago

I am able to get Tribeca running and connected to GDAX though want to make sure I'm doing things correctly, and could not find the answers to these posted elsewhere. I'm running OSX Sierra and the latest version of docker.

Thanks in advance, and thank you to everyone who worked on making this available!

uxjulia commented 6 years ago

I have the same setup and using Docker for Mac I was able to simply run docker-compose up -d --build in the project root after setting up the environment variables. I didn't have to replace the MongoDbUrl line either. I'm guessing the instructions were written awhile ago and improvements to Docker have eliminated some of the steps mentioned in the installation instructions.

commonwealthgoods commented 6 years ago

Thanks much @uxjulia ! It seems to be running successfully for about an hour, then gets stuck on an ask price (See issue #197 )

Also another noob question, I can't figure out some of the Value numbers shown in the top right. I get the numbers directly after USD and the coin, though I'm not sure what the numbers in parentheses following these are, and what either of the value numbers are (the first one and the one in parentheses). If someone can fill me in I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

EDIT on the values: I think I figured out the USD number in parentheses is the value on open orders, the coin parentheses number is also open order quantity, and the value is the total number of coins (?) including the USD at the current coin value, with the number in parentheses the USD value of both fiat and coins at the current price. If I'm off base please let me know.

rclai commented 6 years ago

So for some reason I can't access the web ui at all? If we've set it all up using docker-compose, do we need to set the tribeca.json file at all? Or does the env file suffice?