michaelgrosner / tribeca

A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
3.98k stars 948 forks source link

invalid trading pair #225

Closed valourus closed 6 years ago

valourus commented 6 years ago

Hi I wanted to try this bot but I get this error:

I just follow the manual installation. I run forever start main.js and than forever logs 0 It gave me this error: https://pastebin.com/xWDmZVpS

here is my config.. Its just the normal dev config `{ "TRIBECA_MODE": "dev", "EXCHANGE": "Coinbase", "TradedPair": "BTC/USD", "MongoDbUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/tribeca", "WebClientUsername": "NULL", "WebClientPassword": "NULL", "WebClientListenPort": "3000", "ShowAllOrders": "true",

"HitBtcPullUrl": "http://demo-api.hitbtc.com",
"HitBtcOrderEntryUrl": "ws://demo-api.hitbtc.com:8080",
"HitBtcMarketDataUrl": "ws://demo-api.hitbtc.com:80",
"HitBtcSocketIoUrl": "https://demo-api.hitbtc.com:8081",
"HitBtcApiKey": "NULL",
"HitBtcSecret": "NULL",
"HitBtcOrderDestination": "HitBtc",

"CoinbaseRestUrl": "https://api-public.sandbox.gdax.com",
"CoinbaseWebsocketUrl": "wss://ws-feed-public.sandbox.gdax.com",
"CoinbasePassphrase": "NULL",
"CoinbaseApiKey": "NULL",
"CoinbaseSecret": "NULL",
"CoinbaseOrderDestination": "Coinbase",

"OkCoinWsUrl": "wss://real.okcoin.com:10440/websocket/okcoinapi",
"OkCoinHttpUrl": "https://www.okcoin.com/api/v1/",
"OkCoinApiKey": "NULL",
"OkCoinSecretKey": "NULL",
"OkCoinOrderDestination": "OkCoin",

"BitfinexHttpUrl": "https://api.bitfinex.com/v1",
"BitfinexKey": "NULL",
"BitfinexSecret": "NULL",
"BitfinexOrderDestination": "Bitfinex"

} `

valourus commented 6 years ago

I fixed it. I had to do with the environmental variable TRIBECA_CONFIG_FILE. it was not set correctly.. my bad xD for anyone wondering what to linux command is for setting a environmental variable: export TRIBECA_CONFIG_FILE="/your/path/here"