michaelgrosner / tribeca

A high frequency, market making cryptocurrency trading platform in node.js
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forever start main doesn't launch app. minUptime spinSleepTime warnings #227

Open Dream-in-Color opened 6 years ago

Dream-in-Color commented 6 years ago


Need help configuring and launching app. I think everything is setup correctly but the app is not launching.

When i run "forever start main.js" The app doesn't launch and there are no error messages, so i don't know what to fix. I get two warnings about minUptime and spinSleepTime not set, a quick google search reveals that these can be ignored, is that true or should they be set some high constant?

My tribeca.json is configured as follows;

"TRIBECA_MODE": "dev",
"EXCHANGE": "HitBtc",
"TradedPair": "BTC/USD",
"MongoDbUrl": "mongodb://localhost:27017/tribeca",
"WebClientUsername": "NULL",
"WebClientPassword": "NULL",
"WebClientListenPort": "3000",
"ShowAllOrders": "true",

"HitBtcPullUrl": "http://demo-api.hitbtc.com",
"HitBtcOrderEntryUrl": "ws://demo-api.hitbtc.com:8080",
"HitBtcMarketDataUrl": "ws://demo-api.hitbtc.com:80",
"HitBtcSocketIoUrl": "https://demo-api.hitbtc.com:8081",
"HitBtcApiKey": "MyHitBtcAPIKey",
"HitBtcSecret": "MyHitBtcAPIKeySecret",
"HitBtcOrderDestination": "HitBtc",

PS C:\Users\Username\tribeca\tribeca\service> forever start main.js warn: --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms warn: --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms info: Forever processing file: main.js PS C:\Users\Username\tribeca\tribeca\service>

ldc2726 commented 6 years ago

@Dream-in-Color Hello, it can be ignored, it can work normally, but I have encountered the market data show no trouble, you see you solved?